Cards Indicating Career Progression.


Hello All!
Which cards would best indicate career progression in the Rider Waite series. I feel it would be in the Pentacles suit. I am a career orientated person and all my readings seem to have pentacles, my boss said to me yesterday to start touching up on my skills because "I cant tell you why".
I have a good spread to use and just want to know what cards to look out for!
Love and Light!


weird happenings...
While shuffling my cards just then after posting, 2 cards fell out.
Queen of swords and 6 of wands. I was actually about to ask what my obstacles were for the day but before I could these cards lurched out and landed up the right way!!
Please tell me these cards are good!
I know the queen of swords means life is going foward (hand extended) and 6 of wands is successes will be achieved, goals reached.
Insight please!
Love and Light


6 of Wands immediately thought of, also Judgment and maybe a pent card like the 3 or 8 of Pents.


Thanks Northsea, Ill have to lay out a Celtic Cross and see what comes out of it!

Texas Tarot

I think you're on target with your ideas of the Pentacles. In your readings, look for things like 6 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles and especially 10 of Pentacles.

Of course,there are other cards, and other contexts...


Thankyou Texas!

Today I had a career chat with a major HR Specialist, so things are coming along!