Justice; Faerie Tarot (Hertz)


Faerie Tarot (Hertz)-Justice

This Justice card differs from many others by its movement and dynamism. Lady Justice is an active participant here, instead of just sitting and "judging". I like the way she looks directly at me and wants to communicate. She looks severe but interested and involved.
I love her velvety robe that has stars on it. It makes me think of Goddesses like Nyx, Hecate and Selene.

The two tiny dragons are asleep in the scales while the two big ones look worried in the borders. The LWB talks about good versus bad here, which I think is bull..
I see no good or bad here, rather just different sides of the same thing. Neither one of the dragons is bad, they´re just different. The same thing in life. Things are not often just black or white, good or bad, just different shades of grey most of the time..

Alan Ross

This is a very intimidating justice. I'm not sensing any mercy here. She looks like she's about to render judgment on one of the two little dragons in her scales. Once she does, what is she going to do with that sword of hers? The two larger dragons in the border look rather alarmed at the possibilities.

The expression on her face is perfect. It is cold, determined, and completely dispassionate. She is as unfeeling and remote as the stars that decorate her mantle. This is a beautiful card, but it is one of the grimmest cards in the deck. I love her headdress with the star at her forehead. She does, as Hemera points out, bring to mind one of the old pagan goddesses of the night sky.
