Morgan-Greer - The Sun

Rede Seeker

Yikes! What's going on here? There is no naked child riding horseback under a joyous sun. Two young adults stare at each other under a huge orange sun. Behind them is a stone fence. The couple are surrounded by four sunflowers.

We've seen this face-off before in the Two of Cups and the Six of Cups. How different this face-off is from the looks exchanged by the couple in the Lovers card.

The couple in the Sun card are presumably naked - we see his bare shoulders, we see nothing below the woman's chin. Both are blondes - children of the Solar God/Goddess.

According to 'The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages' by Paul Foster Case, the wall represents human adaptation of natural conditions; the four sunflowers represent the four Qabalistic worlds (Archetypal World, Creative World, Formative World, and Material World) and the four kingdoms of nature (mineral, animal, vegetable, and human). I'm reading them more as completion and grounding. Two sunflowers appear over the young man's head; one appears over the woman's, the fourth is between them. Perhaps he's ready for the next step and she isn't committed to it yet. We don't see what this fourth sunflower is connected to. Perhaps he is offering it to the woman similar to what the boy in the Six of Cups is offering the flower-filled chalice to the girl.

Under this Sun we have organic growth (sunflowers) and an area set off for a specific purpose (the wall - my interpretation not Cases'). The young couple are still in confrontation - I'm open to suggestions as to how to rede that.