Faerie Tarot: Queen of Cups


Beautiful Faerie Queen is communicating with a Mute swan. She is dressed in red and flowers are flying everywhere in the card, inside the picture and around in the borders, so everything is very fertile. There´s green grass and two fruit trees in the background.
The Queen has a purple gown or a scarf, that changes into blue-green and becomes the waves the swan is swimming on.
The Swan is the symbol of purity, intuition, music and arts. It can see into the future and it is a Solar symbol. Goddess Aphrodite has her carriage drawn by sparrows, goose and swans. The Swan is the master of three elements: water, air and earth. Many polarities and opposites meet in the Swan symbol, such as: male-female, above-below, North-South, graceful dignity-fierceness and peace-anger.

Alan Ross

Hemera said:
...flowers are flying everywhere in the card, inside the picture and around in the borders, so everything is very fertile.
This is a very beautiful card. It's my favorite queen in this deck. The observation about fertility is perceptive, because this suit is associated with Spring in this deck. Nathalie has associated each of the suits in this deck with a particular season: Cups for Spring, Pentacles for Summer, Wands for Autumn, and Swords for Winter.

Also, the Queens and Kings of each suit are accompanied by a particular animal. For the Queen of Cups, it's a swan. The LWB says that the swan "at her feet represents the maturity, which empowers the fairy queen to rule her kingdom." Perhaps this is a reference to the tale of the "ugly duckling," that eventually grows into a beautiful, graceful swan.
