Lord of the Rings Spread


With thanks to Morwena, I am devising my own Lord of the Rings spread.


1 - Human - Querent
2 - Dwarves - Anima/Animus
3 - Hobbits - Persona
4 - Orcs - Manifestations of Shadow Self
5 - Wizards - Higher Wisdom
6 - Dark Lord - Shadow Self
7 - Elves - Soul Wisdom

I'm assuming the Querent is human:p So the Querent goes in the centre as Position one. This is a snap shot of the Querent as they are now.

Position Two
Dwarves live underground and dig down. Their roots are deep, they have a skill with metallurgy for which they are legend. Sometimes they dig too deep and awaken creatures that best remain undisturbed. This is our unconscious. In the unconscious of the male it is the anima and in the female, the animus.

Position Three
Hobbits live in the earth and love all things that grow. They are fond of the good life, of ale, pipe weed and gossip. This is what sustains us on a day to day level. The Persona.

Position Four
Orcs are named after the Elvish word for horror. They are twisted versions of elves and humans. They are the weakness that lies within us all. In this spread they represent the physical manifestation of the Dark Lord or Shadow Self.

Position Five
Wizards are the Istari or Wise Ones. Tolkien Wizards were sent by the Valar (gods) to assist in the fight against the Dark Lord. There are five wizards, each with a different skill. They represent our higher wisdom and that which assists us in times of need. If you believe in Angels, then this is your guardian angel or spirit guide.

Position Six
The Dark Lord is is our Shadow Self. This is somewhat akin to what Jung referred to as the 'collective unconscious' or a reservoir of human darkness. It is what drives the individual to make mistakes in order to learn or self actualise.

Position Seven
Elves are the Star within each of us. This position reflects our true consciousness and our immortality. Use this position according to your faith.

The spread is a Six pointed Star with the First position in the middle.


Let me know how you get on:D


I like the attributions! I haven't tried it out yet but I will. I just wonder about the pattern: do you see connections in either the opposites or the triangles? I might want to play with the positioning a little, but that's just me.



Morwenna said:
I like the attributions! I haven't tried it out yet but I will. I just wonder about the pattern: do you see connections in either the opposites or the triangles? I might want to play with the positioning a little, but that's just me.


I'm glad you like it!:D

The positions are all meant to relate to the First One. Then of course to each other. You'll notice that the left hand side represents the darker side and the right, our more positive and apparent qualities. It's a nice idea to compare the two in order to examine what really motivates us and how we perceive ourselves as opposed to how we are perceived.

Tell me how you get on with it and if you play around with the positions, I'd love to know what you do:)