Faerie Tarot: Seven of Swords


It is winter and the faery is not very warmly dressed so s/he must be cold.
S/he has blue wings and a beautiful long grey hair and a nice hair ornament that is flowing in the icy wind. The colors are blue, purple and grey. Very nice and harmonious.
The LWB says this is a "male fairy". (Just when I was so glad to find a beautiful old lady among the cards. Oh well..)
There are still four heavy swords to collect. The fairy already has two swords by her side, but I wonder if s/he has noticed the one hanging above her head? Will it be hidden from her? Will it threaten her or will it be of some help? There are still difficulties ahead but the sky is clearing and the LWB says that brighter prospects are ahead. There is hope, new plans and possible victory in the future. The berries in the trees around the border (and one tree is inside the borders) signify energy which is available for the fairy is she just pauses to look..

Alan Ross

I was also surprised that the LWB identified this faerie as male. Anyway, he is clearly taking a chance sneaking off with all of those swords. Perhaps the sword suspended over his head is a sword of Damocles, ready to fall upon him if he should slip up. However, his chances of success are good. Along with the lightening sky, The little sprig laden with berries growing by the lower left corner of the scene signifies bright prospects.