Witchy Tarot - 8 of Boulders


This card is a little bizzare. The LWB says "SMS message between witches" ... I just looked it up and SMS is short for text messaging on cell phones. Unless there's a meaning here that I'm missing...

So we have two witches here, naturally one is red-toned and one is green-toned, and they're spray-painting symbols into a big boulder. There's a leafless tree in the background. The symbols appear to be a yin-yang with 4 arrows (4 elements?), a goddess-spiral, a sun with 9 rays, and a 5-pointed star. Plus two blue dots.

I read in the deck review area that someone thought it might have allusions to cave-paintings?

So what do I know? 8 is a number of infinity. Boulders, or pentacles, symbolize the element of Earth. The traditional RWS imagery behind this card shows apprenticeship, hard work, or practice.

Um ... ha ha still at a loss. (Why would a nature-worshipper like a Witch deface nature?)

Any help on this one? Or is it just a silly card?


I don't think they are defacing anything...

The number 8 can be associated with shifting, changing, working, transforming...

Boulders in this case has to do with earth - physical/material aspects of life...

So in changing something in their physical environment these young Witches are tranforming something within themselves...
