The Tower. Mystic Faerie Tarot.

Free Spirit

I see a very old tree, one thats thousands of years old. The roots are sturdy and thick and you can just emagine them growing deep underground. When I think of all that this tree has witnessed in its life, its hard to comprehend.

This a time of harvest, when the night are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. The green leaves that were abundent in spring and summer have now been replaced with the brown leaves of Autumn, which suggest that the growing period has finished.

Mushrooms are a fungus, and even though mushrooms do not effect the Fea,
to us humans some mushrooms can be be deadly.

A lightening bolt strikes the tree with a force that even this mighty tree cannot withstand.

The turret at the top start to topple, and the tree splits in two. The leaves start to fall and the roots begin to shake deep within the earths core.
The beliefs that we have held dear for many a year are being put to the test. We realize that something in our perfect wolrd is starting to crumble, and theres nothing we can do about it.

The Fea realize that there is always a beginning and an end, and they accept this. We should learn from them. They can teach us to let go of situations that are not working. By doing that we are not holding on to painful thoughts. The Fea beleave in going with the flow.