Faerie Tarot: Ace of Wands


The red squirrel is active, quick and resourceful and it is well prepared for the coming winter. It has climbed up to see the fruits of the wand tree. Or maybe they are the squirrel´s own stored fruit up in the wand? It is autumn and the squirrel is very active. Most squirrels that I have seen now in October are no longer as red as this one. They have got their greyish winter coats already. But they are very active and busy now.
The LWB says the wand is the emblem of vital forces. Its "halo of multicolored points is the divine spark of creation which shines in the sky and marks time to proceed with enthusiasm."

Alan Ross

The squirrel, a very active critter, is a good match for the energy of the suit of wands. It is fall and during this time of the year the squirrel embodies the significance of the Ace of Wands, as it scurries about preparing for the onset of winter. The Ace of Wands is all about being active and industrious at the commencement of a new venture or project, and this is successfully conveyed in this deck's version of this card.
