Mystic Dreamer Tarot - The Fool


This is what I "see" when looking at the card:

A person (male/female) almost dancing on a smooth stone, scattering tarot cards. A dog loyaly with her to protect her.(For easyness I will use the word her and she here) Mountains,a waterfall and the sun in the background but all very foggy so her journey is not clear yet. A lantern stands beside her so where ever she goes she will have light with her. The sign in the left cornor says "the Journey" , "Home". It has a raven sitting on it wich is quit magical, and there is also a flock of black birds in the sky in a V shape. I think/feel her path will be rocky (= mountains) , emotionaly (waterfall) , warm (=the sun) , full of adventures/obstacles (= the cards) and her red bag is there with the things she needs and aquired in her life and is there to carry and keep things she will learn along the way.... Two more things, the white rose in her hand stands for peace and purity, and the bells on her clothes almost have a music feel to them.

After "seeing" this in the card I thought back about my life and listed under this in my journal events in my life that relate to this card. I thought that was a good exercise for me to do.

What do you all think of this??

Blessed Be AmberFox


Sorry for the long absence..
There has been a lot happend in the past year en the baby is now already 3 months old ,and the chaos that came with him, is started to turn into some kind of routine:)

What I tried to tell with the fool when i created that one:)

The fool is a male . ( Its the same model as in the knights with the strange cloths those has also a reason why i found that that was ideal clothing for that card but i can imagine that not everybody thinks as far as I sometimes do :D)
The dog is his accomagnion who tries to protect the fool for wrong decisions, the subhuman form of life that are elevated by the evolution of the consciousness.. Its the fools 'job' to keep an eye on his accompagnion to see the dangers, and not the dogs duty to warn the fool because otherwise he will never learn things if everything is shown to him.

The white flower is a symbol from the freemansonry, as i remember it right, the rose should symbolise 'water',its a symbole of love devotion and experiances felt by the heart, the taking of psychical reality and watering that rose, the water gives life to the rose , just like we 'water' the experiances we have, a desire that is pure and /or spiritual .

He stands on the edge like he is not aware of the danger laying before him, or does he know it and get a adrenalineshot by dancing on the edge of the rocks. meaning that sometimes we have to go as far as we can possible can ask of our body and mind. That we don't have to be afraid to see over the edge looking back at the obstacles we have encountered..

The cards falls randomly to show that the fool follow his guts/intuition instead of a prethought road. Its sometimes good to do what you want, and not what is wanted of you, what sociaty wants from you.

The bag stands for information we gather, the things we carry in our mind and unconsiousness, and information that we need, the clutter is removed from it ( thats why the bag isn't gigantic) it contains memories from the past en the awakening of higher visions that he gains during his journey.

The bells on his costume show that even he has to learn while he is on a journey, he still has to remember to have fun. To see life on the bright side, to try see a light in even the darkest times.
The crossroad, well that doesn't have to have lots of explication, it symply show that we can take many roads in our lifes. That every decission we take lead to another path, and sometimes those paths come together again.

The ravens :
Like someone mention it according nummerology its indeed the start, the beginning of the 9 levels of karma ( if you don't count the special numbers like 11, 22 and 33 ).