PDR Study Thread Week one - The Fool


The fool is a very interesting card in all tarot decks, let alone the Crows magick. For the purpose of this study i will be exploring each card in as much detail as was possible at the time of writing, with further insight to be added later at will. Starting with the Major Arcana and the Fool. Trendsetter is the first keyword in the LWB. The silver and shaded greys in the "eagle", compliment the trendsetter, with the colour patterns symbolizing new ideas, thought patterns, experimenting. On closer examination i see hints of blue, which as far as i know is the colour of peace which could mean innocence. The "eagles" wings are extended upwards as if almost reaching for something, exploring. On the other hand, i also see the way the wings are extended it almost looks to be holding back in a way, afraid to move forward. The single feather dropping i think symbolizes the letting go of old things no longer needed or in another view it could be seen reaching for the feather afraid of losing what its used to and comforting. Lastly, the "eagle" in flight symbolizes motion, moving forward. These are just a few of my thoughts on this card. As always, any other thoughts or comments are welcome.