Tarot Basics: Final Assignment--Your own Tarot Card Spread!


Okay. Final spread assignment--by the way, I know we never got to discussing the Celtic Cross, but we'll do that in Tarot Reading later, Okay? It is, after all, a big subject.

So. Here's your last assignment.

Go through the Major Arcana and pick out one of your favorite cards.

Using no more than 7 cards, create a SPREAD of your VERY OWN that is emblematic of that particular card. Remember that each one of those 7 (or less!) cards has to stand for something. And you have to decide how you will lay them out--in which order.

Decide particularly which one will be your "guiding" card--like #13 in the calendar spread, which one will give you an idea of what the entire spread is about (Love? Family? Work? Career?).

To do this, examine that Major Arcana card. What are the major "points" in it, symbols, shapes (Temperance, for example, will, at the very least, require two cards for the Angel's two cups). How can you emphasize those not only in where cards in a spread go, but what they mean?

Most especially, what does this major arcana card mean? If you use Temperance, then the spread is about changing the elements to find a new balance (or something like that). If it's the World, then it might be a spread you'd lay down for someone planning a trip or reaching a pinnacle in their career. Likewise, if you use the Strength Card to create this spread, then it's likely going to be a spread about finding inner strength. So you might want one card to symbolize the Lion, which is the problem, another is the lady, the solution....etc.

You get the idea.

Here's one that I use that I made up.
The Fool's Spread (I use it as a general, "what's new"? spread in readings):


Okay, look at the RW Fool card.

#1: He's looking up at the sun or star or sky--he's daydreaming about for his future, his grand schemes, plans, his ultimate goals.
#2: However, there's a little dog tugging or barking at him to warn him to look down instead of up because.....
#3: There's a cliff he might just walk over if he doesn't!
#4: There's what he's bringing with him though he might not know what's in that sack.
#5: There's the old self he's leaving behind--the one that's ended and done with.
#6: There's his next stop along his journey--the place he'll get to in the next card if he doesn't fall off the cliff.
#7: There is where he is right now, in the present.

So, reading this (and I do quite well with this spread) I tell the reader their ultimate hope and daydream for their future--be it in career, love, intellect or job. Thus, in this spread, the "Star"--#1--guides the rest of the reading--if it's cups, then they're dreaming about Love. This gives me an idea of what the other cards might be about--what cliff they might fall over, what the warning might be from the little dog, etc.

I point out that they should listen to that little dog (if it's a court card, it's a person, if it's not it might be past experience, their conscience, or knowledge), because if they don't they'll end up stuck at the bottom of the cliff doing or being something else, not moving forward toward their ultimate goal. Then I discuss what they're taking with them that will help them when they get to their next stop. I usually assume that whatever is in the "sack" is useful, not negative, but sometimes we do bring baggage....

And, finally, I read the three middle cards rather like a past, present and future. Though #7 goes down last, I usually don't save it for last--I read the three pretty much as 5, 7, 6. What they've left behind, where they are, and where the next stop in their journey will be.

Any questions?


Sorry it has 8 cards, and doesn´t exactly follow a major, but it is my own creation.

I call it Heart of Matter and I have been succesful with it both for friendships, lovestories and business realtionships.


Card 1: Situation between the 2
Card 2: 1st person and the role they take to the situation
Card 3: 2nd person and the role they take to the situation
Card 4: 1st persons hidden effects on 2nd person
Card 5: 2nd persons hidden effects on 1st person
Card 6: what actions/cautions 1st person should take to improve situation
Card 7: what actions/cautions 2nd person should take to improve situation
Card 8: the outcome when changes has been made

That´s my take on it :)

Just for the record - as this *is* about homemade spreads and I *do* collect them for my HP - could anyone NOT wanting the spreads be "adoptet" for this please let me know - and further more, if you don´t mind me putting them on my site (I do worksheets for them too ;) ) let me know if you have a site your self that you want linked to your name :)


I choose The Chariot, because that's the road to victory and having control.


1) Your personality
2) resources and past experiences to draw upon
3) What is needed to get there
4) Other people or things that can help towards your goal
5) What is possible in reality, maybe your goal is too high, or unrealistic
6) Challenges
7) Your goal

I did a guineapig reading on myself to test it with my Osho deck. Post that later.



Nice set up, Kaz!

So do we read this as if we're the charioteer? #1 being the driver, 2,3,4 the chariot, 5 & 6 the steeds and #7 what they're heading towards?

I especially like the 2,3,4 combo, as the chariot (sic) as they're all things to armor and carry the person forward, helpful past resouces, present requirements and those who can help.

And #7 is the focus card to help read the rest of them?

Great spread for, as you point out, a querent wanting to know how to be victorious and achieve their ends.


You can consider card 1 as the driver (you), cards 2, 3, 4 are his vehicle, 5 and 6 are things he will meet on his way towards the set-out goal, and 7 is the goal he is reaching for.

Reaching for victory, haha, well I did myself as guineapig for this spread, and it seems that my goal is set too high, read the next post with the results.



Chariot spread, Osho Zen deck.

Comparing suits with RiderWaite:

I got these cards:
1) 7 of Fire - Stress
2) 5 of Water - Clinging to the Past
3) II - Inner Voice
4) Queen of Water - Receptivity
5) 4 of Rainbows - The Miser
6) 0 - The Fool
7) 7 of Water - Projections

7) My goal is getting a greater sense of awareness, seeing reality as it is and dont let it get colored by what I think about it or what I want to see.

1) Part of my personality is being a perfectionist, which makes me vulnarable to stress I create myself, putting pressure on myself.

2) What I learned for some part and can use again is letting go of the past and learning of past experiences.

3) What I need to get to my goal is finding my own truth within myself, don't let others and situations pull at me. Stay within myself.

4) What can help me are people who can really listen, and don't put expectations and demands on me.

5) Possibilities and reality tells that again I need to learn to let go of stuff, holding on makes you a miser. Letting go and sharing brings freedom.

6) Challenge on the way to goal is me being able to get to the Fool in myself. Leaving past behind, staying in the present, and trusting my intuition to be right.

So, comparing 8 and 5 and also 6, there is still some work to do before this goal comes into reachable distance :-( .



I'm in a big trouble

I was about to ask if someone recognize this spread, because when I finished the Celtic cross I intuitively started to spread the cards in a rectangular form starting like that:

5.....20.........L ....21...6
7.....22.....CROSS.22...8 ........O

with the rest of the cards I covered the spaces left. I don't know exactly where I picked the spread from because it just came to me sometimes it's very clear if someone recognize it please tell me the way I can have it cleared for myself. The last card is the solution to the question.
Thank you very much.
