78 DW: Four-Card Layout (0,1,2,21) Chap. 1


Just finished the 1st Chapter!

Just WOW!! So much info in there.I'm just like a sponge,receiving all these new and yet interesting ideas, from this chapter.

The African Tarot that I'm using is quite similar to RW.Not much to compare.

The Path that most of us are going through seems to be like this:

(Toddler/Child) (Puberty/Adult) (Mature/Old)

Those 4 cards really summarised everything!

One sentence leaves quite an impression on me,"many ppl agonize over every decision......once take an action in 1 direction,they have lost the chance to go in all the other directions......"

There's always this inspiration quote that says :"YOu only get to live once...",it makes me think that maybe that's why the idea of reincarnation is so welcome by people.It gives them the chance (unconsciously) to able to choose another action again.

"Once we lose that innocence,however,we cannot simply climb back......".That is so true.I think most self help books mentioned that when we are toddlers,we do not fear anything and love so unconditionally and freely.How I wish I can be a 'Fool'/Toddler again,but it's easier said than done.

Maybe that's why I love to sing the Toy 'r' Us song:" I don't want to grow up,I'm a Toy'r' Us kid!" :D

That's what I've got from reading this chapter.Hope it did not sound too far fetch! :p



Where's everyone??

Are we going to be in Chapter 1 for long?
Looking forward to the next one.Let's move on!! :D