Psychic Surgery and Faith Healing, by jessica bryan, book


actually the whole title is called
"Psychic Surgery and Faith Healing: An Exploration of Multi-Dimensional Realities, Indigenous Healing, and Medical Miracles in the Philippine Lowlands "

which used to be titled

"Psychic Surgery & Faith Healing: In the Lowlands of Pangasinan"

now in my history the last book I looked at was alchemical healing, and a little used pocket books i brought from the 80s which i never finished.
and who can forget the scene in a man on the moon where jim carrey is portraying andy kaufman and he is getting worked on by the faith healers he traveled to see. he was watching carefuly and noticed the faith healer had meat in his hand as he played with the character andy kaufman side.
then jim carrey andy face looked up and was kind of chuckling at the joke as he had believed in it.

so I looked at the book at the bookstore and saw a chapter on magnetic hands and i said "ohh that could be interesting" to myself.

so I read it of course,, and the book is divided up into some sections,,
first here is the biography of how she became a faither healer,,
and through that biography there is an essay on the ethics of faith healing, and a very very brief look at john of god, which truthfully i found to be name dropping.
and i will tell you why after,

so i started off reading the biography part of the book, enthralled at the story yet wondering when the heck will it get to the meat ?.
throughout the story (oh yeah it is said in the book that the author combines four trips to 2 trips for she thinks it makes it better ).

upon the way she has an romance, many pleasant experiences,
which was all good and all that but for myself I don't want to hear about the temptation to adultry and how people there just accept it.
(for me this part of the book could of been better served with some substance).

pretty well the only thing of value to her biography is her hands get attuned,, then later her third eye and crown get attuned,
(with no symbols,, just pretty well blessed by the praticing faith healer in the village ).

hold ,, another thing i found of value was how even though she and her friend looked for palmed meat, there was none to be found ,
and her friend swears that she saw the author "stomach get opened and the hands go inside. "

as i described this to my friend i was telling the story to on the way to a workshop,, i said it was possible that it is like the self hypnosis techique where when we are kids at the circus or carnival and the old tape made me think the woman was going to turn into an ape(i ran out of the tent when i was a kid ).
however it is possible,, for I did see something move by itself in my life.

one little value the story has is it kinds of makes you wonder what happend to the people. and she shares some that some have died and that.

so after she was praticing and some channel told her "aliens are trying to invade your body" upon which she stopped
and so over ten years went by til she started to pratice again.

also she had surgery on the subject she was going to faith healer for in the first place, even though it had never grown.
in my personal view ,, without faith healing it is quite possible that the tumor would of grown and affect the whole body.

ok let me see what else comes to mind, so she is praticing again which is good.
however the essay for me was kind of weak for it name dropped john of god,, but didn't go into detail what kind of faith healing he did,,just that he worked with a rusty knife.

now before i get to the actual techiques perhaps the most meaningiful thing i got from the book was the spiritual description of the faith healers as they have pictures of jesus, saints,, use biblimancy yet remain true to their history. also they know they themselves do nothing and it is the holy spirit that does it all.

as a healer who has issues with his own abilities (aka i have to know more,, i got to study more,,) just going with the spirit of healing and letting go was a good teaching for me.

now to the actual techique in the book.

magnetic hands, described what she learn,,
"in addition in removing negative energy, a magnetic healer also channels the divine energy of god into those who are suffering, this flow of energy can occur in differnt ways"
then after a few paragraphs

"magnetic healing is sometimes said to be a precursor to the ablity to perform psychic surgery, as the magnetic healer gains in faith and "the power" it is believed she can move from the ability to pull the energy of diseased tissue out of the body, to being able to remove the physical manifestion of disease"

then the basic energy healing techiques chapter cover grounding, healing and protection using white light
helping friends and family using energy healing,, (briefest descriptiong of laying on hands is given),
running energy (techique from barabara ann brennen book hands of light)
cleaning aura techique from hands of light book,

finally the additional reading references adam dreamhealer,
the power to heal by robert pellegrino-estrich

the psychic healing book by amy wallace and bill henkin

hands of light by barara ann brennan

also there is a section on where to find healers.

I Think i put down the essay much for it does have meaningful information for some one new to healing,, i was hoping to learn deep actual techiques.
but the the book doesn't describe itself as a master teaching book.