How to figure out what type of Mother-in-law you're going to get?


How do we go about figuring out what type of mother in law one is at 'risk' (lol) of getting? ( presuming one is single at the time of the inquiery)

Do we look at the 9th house? ( 4th from the 7th house)
What about the father in law? Sisters and brother in laws?

Thank you,



Well your mother in law is the mother (10th House) of your partner (7th House). So counting the seventh of your chart as 1, count round till you reach 10. That's the radical fourth house. The father in law is the father (4th House) of the partner, so that is the 10th (not 9th) of the radical chart.

Brothers and sisters (collectively) are the third from the seventh. That's the ninth of the radical chart.

Now if we're talking future here (and you are) you need:

To make some assessment about your marriage prospects.

Either cast a horary chart based on a suitable question or
Assess your marriage prospects from an inspection of you own seventh house and it's ruler

Then if that yields a satisfactory answer, I'd consider a horary chart on the inlaws as the best way of making an evaluation. Use the houses above as the relevant houses of the radical horary chart.


Minderwiz said:
Well your mother in law is the mother (10th House) of your partner (7th House). So counting the seventh of your chart as 1, count round till you reach 10. That's the radical fourth house. The father in law is the father (4th House) of the partner, so that is the 10th (not 9th) of the radical chart.


Minderwiz, I'm sure you've explained it to me before but would mind refreshing my memory as to why, again, we look at the 10th house for the mother and 4th for the father?

I always get confused with the 4th/10th house and who they represent.
There is a discrepancy about that amongst astrologers, right?

Otherwise, thanks for your response.


Maggie :)