Anna K. 5 The High Priest

Briar Rose

Anna K. The High Priest

Sitted on his throne, the High Priest is dressed in robes. In his left hand is his staff and in his right hand he hold a key in his hands. His eyes are closed.

The books tell that the High Priest represents the Holyt, the Saint. A search for and finding the meaning of truth.he means deep trust, protection and good advice. But he also warns us against hypocris and a smug-holier-than-thou attitude.

I am wondering exactly what is the name of the staff he is holding?

I think the key means he holds the knowledge if we are willing to listen.


V-The High Priest

He holds a key in one hand and a staff in the other. His eyes are closed and his expression is peaceful, beatific. He might be meditating. The orange and red of his robes remind me of the robes of Buddhist monks. His face looks more Asian than Anglo (as does his long Asiatic beard). Maybe he is a high lama in Tibetan Buddhism.
We are looking up at him; he sits above us. He is revered. The floor is black (NOT black and white ... interesting ...).
In the RW, The Hierophant looks like he may be a Catholic bishop or cardinal, or the Pope himself, and it looks like the card speaks of religious institutions, dogma, rigid belief system, possibly an authoritarian male hierarchical structure, in contrast to a more individual style of spirituality in which the individual has an internal connection to the divine that is not part of an organized religion.
This High Priest looks like a spiritual holy man, someone with authentic spirituality, where the RW Hierophant does not. The Hierophant looks like someone who has power within an institution, but who isn't necessarily a spiritual leader.
So for me, the energy of this card 'feels' peaceful, meditative and benevolent. If it appears in a reading (depending on the position), it may be a gentle reminder to the seeker to look at his/her spirituality and its place in their life. Also to ask themselves who or what are they putting their faith into, and does that faith seem to be well-placed or misplaced.