Song Spread


This is based on Ingrid Michaeson's song "Porcelain Fists" and is for use in situations where you don't know what to do. Very simple, but I quite like it.

(it's supposed to look like a fist but really hasn't worked so it might as well be laid out however you find it easiest)

1 --> "Follow your heart, he said, you heart will take you there"
What you heart tells you to do

2 --> "Swallow your pride, he said, for pride is anything but rare"
What is holding you back

3 --> "Take my hand, you're treading water"
What (or who) is helping you in your current situation

4 --> "Your body broke your fall"
What protected you last time you were hurt/ how you got hurt last time

5 --> "Where is it she goes?"
Where you are going on your current path

Hope this is helpful and any suggestions are appreciated :)

anna x


I was looking for a spread to help me figure out the meaning of a song I keep hearing (because I believe in messages and whatnot), and found your spread. I used it to help me with my own song (since it was kind of alluding to following my heart and whatnot), and it seemed to help, so I just wanted to let you know that I think this is a great spread, even though I probably didn't use it exactly as you intended. :)

Thanks for posting it!

Glass Owl

I haven't heard of this song before, I will try to do a search on it so I can give it a listen. The spread looks terrific! It seems so positive and helpful.

I love spreads based on songs, movies, and tv shows.


This is a beautiful spread :] I'm definitely going to try it soon. Thank you very much for sharing!


What a lovely idea (song spread) thanks for sharing!