Anna K.: Temperance (XIV)


A young woman is facing away from us, balancing two identical water containers on a pole which she's holding with one hand as it leans on her shoulder. The body of water that she drew water from is right behind her, one step away, as if she's just turned around to head home with the water.
The water looks very clean, transparent.
She is barefoot. She's walking up some man-made stone steps that are gray in color (not black and white!). It's warm: a temperate climate. Her hair is up. The path is surrounded by natural grasses and wildflowers that are in bloom. There are birds in the sky, tiny, at a distance. There's a feeling of great peace. Serenity. A balance that's completely natural, unforced, unselfconscious. She just IS balanced, and she's taking a moment to feel the sun on her face before she begins the walk home.
Temperance is about Balance and Moderateness (I like that better than "moderation", which has a different connotation). There are a moderate amount of flowers on the path. The containers are moderately filled with water so that she can walk home without spilling.
Her clothing is perfect for the day: she's not too warm or too cool.
The steps are very moderately sloped, not steep in the least. An the path is moderately wide. The water is probably moderately cool.

When there's moderation there's the right amount: not too much, not too little, just enough. When everything is in that ideal state of just right, there is balance in the person and harmony in the psyche.


There are 13 stone steps. It is the Death - transformation she should come over. She is at the beginning of her way, only on the first step. 3 flower petals on the stone near her right feet. She made a right step, and it is new stage of life for her. 3 lower petals are behind her on the water surface. She was happy in love, she has passed period of dating and she was chosen like an wife. Now she is just married I think (her hair is gathered and curly a little). She worries about her future. 2 straws of grass from the right side in the water. She is married in love, but he is stable man and now she should discover new horizon. She reached everything she wanted. But there is new stage of marriage and sexual relationships (rocker with two cups on the shoulder - element of falos). And she take in with her right hand firm.

Cups are on 4 chains each. It is her secret of family life she wear on her shoulder. Rocker is her husband, her family house she is going to be mistress in. It is her secret of family happiness and success in it.

She makes first step with left feet and I think it means she will learn at her own mistakes. Her left shoulder is naked. She is innocent and is not tempted to love and family life. And with each new step she will got wisdom and more life experience (blue shawl - wisdom element on her right shoulder).

the main lesson for her is to keep balance between her mind and feelings.

Two stones from both sides are look like naked human brain with the convolution. I do not know clear what is it.

From one side it can show us that this woman accumulating wisdom, but on the other hand may indicate a mind that must be contained, so as not to seem smarter than men. Because of the beam with a round tip (The Sun Solar men element) is behind her back.
What do you think?