crystal ally card study group: Earth



Image: a mountain peak with melting snow and a beautiful stream in the foreground.

I feel that the Earth card draws all the resources of that element to the questioner. These include: protection, grounding, vitality, and connection with the earth’s resources to create abundance. Naisha Ahsian associates a lack of earth element energy with scarcity consciousness or feeling spacey or disconnected.

There are a few cards in the earth element that really emphasize that all we need will be given to us by the earth. For me, this is the most powerful one. Connecting with nature always turns out to be really helpful when I draw this card for myself or other people.

Issues: finances, health, home life

Health issues: Naisha associates the earth element with bones, teeth, etc.



The earth element is also associated with the root and Earthstar chakras.


An interpretation

This person is feeling cut off from the earth’s abundance. This can manifest on the physical, emotional, or spiritual level – depending on where it falls in a layout.

She has the resources to manifest her dreams, but does not realize it. She may be afraid to take action. On the level of the emotions, she may feel either burnt out or that she must pull back her emotional energy in order to be acceptable to other people. Spiritually, she may not feel like she belongs here.

There is enough for her. This ally will heal the part of her that believes that there’s never enough. Connection with the earth will help her to take action on manifesting her purpose.

Spending time in nature may help her to feel her emotional connection to the earth’s abundant nurturing. By feeling cared for by Mother Earth, she releases the need to take care of others. She is free to grow and express herself.

Spiritually, she may want to pay attention to dreams about nature or natural omens when trying to make important decisions.