

There is so much more to this holiday season that meets the Eye. Like...
6 our twins of Gemini, the house of these ancient holy days, and
9 Virgo, for the vestal virgins who kept the hearth ablaze; and Rhea
Silva, who, by Mars, conceives the twins, Romulus & Remus; for Vesta herself,
firstborn and last of Six; and for all Virgins...

...and their Fortune.

Yet, the exiles of Jupiter are tied to his realms, CROSSing a BRIDGE that One sees, recognizing the dignities of our Sun, and the Hyperbola they engender. Sum read fortunes in the Palm of the Hand or the spread of their cards, but the real mystery remains unconquered.

And, if you get my meaning, pluck a golden apple from the Tree.
If not, weave yourself a riddle with these: ♃ ♐♓♍♊


Post 333 I see. Ahem! ;)



This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with
Plunge from the height, O Man, and interlock with
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace;
the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the
Word of Double Power-ABRAHADABRA!-is
the sign of the GREAT WORK, for the GREAT
WORK is accomplished in Silence. And behold is
not that Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer.
whose Sigil is {Cancer}?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own
end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is per-
fect in itself.
Little children, love one another!


Six-11: the Fate of Virgins


The Fate of Virgins (Fortuna Virgo) and Motherhood (Mater Matuta) were honored in adjoining temples on this day of Vestalia. Yet, as the Vestales themselves demonstrate, bearing children is not a foregone conclusion.
If the Eye is opened to other... possibilities.

♍: Naturally, One might expect a firm handshake. And, were it not for the practical value in considering the corpus callosum from a number of perspectives, such greetings would be in order. But, keeping with the marriage of opposites, this anatomical feature of the human brain is the interface between its left and right hemispheres, and also its largest inter-connective pathway.

Cutting the brain in half, down its longitudinal fissure, the corpus collosum resembles a Hand reaching toward the back of the Head. Thus, trave11ing up the spinal cord to see through the Third Eye, One is confronted by the Palm of this Hand, Fortune, at the CROSSroads of our eternal return: to see, or not to see....

14---♐----7 7

....7- -7....


/6] /6]
[6] [6]
[6] [6]

/6] /\ /6]
[6] \/ [6]

The opening of this Eye may be viewed as a Virgin birth, of sorts, having never quite seen with it before. Being an Eye of Illumination, the dawning Light of the Sun is an apt metaphor for the vision it bestows. One might say the same of obtaining the golden sections from a vesica piscis generated by two circles sharing 1 radius.

Strange, then, that the overlapping of Fortune and Virgo should occur in Gemini on 6-11, especially when we consider the month of Junius only gains 'legitimacy' as the 6th beginning in 153 BCE. That's 153 years counting back from the Sol Invictus of 1 BC - another day on which Jupiter fortuitously CROSSes Virgo's hEYEmen.

And, if you get my meaning, pluck another apple from between two moons...


♃ Jupiter Invictus

Figurates are a form of constant that inForms our knowing of number.
Easy as pebbles in the dirt...

19 - Centered Hexagonal

73 - Centered Hexagram
127 - Centered Hexagonal
231 - Hexagonal (11th in seq.) and Heptadecagonal (6th in seq.)

...counting Time out in shapes and proportion.

Marking the beginning of the calendar year at 1-1, we count 153 (9th hexagonal) years to a zero point.
& the digital Roots of Tarot align in the middle pillar of our Qabala Tree, thus:
An alignment connecting together astrological keys that give the positional astronomy of that point, zero (Sol Invictus, 1BC). The Tree sprouting from this Fish may be seen to formulate a Cube in Time...

...One that offers an absurdly synchronistic date as its apotheosis.

So, if you get my meaning, the apples will be ready soon.


Yygdrasilian said:
Strange, then, that the overlapping of Fortune and Virgo should occur in Gemini on 6-11, especially when we consider the month of Junius only gains 'legitimacy' as the 6th beginning in 153 BCE. That's 153 years counting back from the Sol Invictus of 1 BC -

Simple arithmetic would show that 153 BC is 152 years before 1 BC.


Breadth of Vision

RLG said:
Simple arithmetic would show that 153 BC is 152 years before 1 BC.
Sol Invictus at end of 1 BC to
1-1 at beginning of 153 BC

= 153 years, minus a Cube of planets now residing 'between' BC 1 & 1 AD.


As you wish. But your net is so full of holes, I doubt you'll catch that many fish.


Memento Mori

Perhaps.... though One might observe a net catching holes ‘fore it ever meets a Fish, secutor. Of course, we might ask whether there be any precedence among ‘The Ancients’ for using figurates to integrate music, astrology & geometry; or whether numbers were regarded as being somehow imbued with magical properties.

So, say, what if: the Sol Invictus of BC 1 were recognized beforehand as a meaningful date - a point in time by which One could calibrate certain numerological formulas. We might reassess some events....

Julius Caesar ----------------------------------- Augustus Caesar
3.15 (74th day) -------------------------------- 8.19 (231st day)
44 BC ------------------------------------------- 14 AD

44 / 14 = 3.1428....---------------------------- 8 = 2³
π = 3.1415..... --------------------------------- 19 = 3rd centered hexagonal
74 = 666 x 0.11111111.......------------------ 231 = 11th hexagonal

As a value experienced as moment in time, π occurs on 3.15 = "Beware the Ides of March!"

7<---Quinctilis (5-------------1 0 1-------------6) Sextilis--->8
July ------------------------------------------------------- August

Could be purely coincidental.....
......or maybe a Tree that grows from ‘Nothing’ is nourished on the blood of sacrificial Emperors and Kings.... Ha-Ha.

Of course, being posthumously deified, they would mark the Pillars of Time as Gods.
Both men were pontifex maximus, keepers of the Roman calendar and...
44:14 = 22/7 : the Mercury-Earth Synodic Cycle

Now, cut an apple thru its equator, and you may see why the Palm is Nailed to a CROSS.


Suppose instead that your tree grows in Brooklyn,
where the Chariots run full throttle on the Left-Hand Path.
Therein are the horses cut loose in their chambers, exhausted, they spin all their Wheels of Fortune.
Adjustments are made just to maximize Strength
while the High(er up) Priest looks down from his Tower, announcing the Judgment with the Harlequin colors
while the Sun is at azimuth, (a Devil of a time).