Animal Speak


hi there ok this could go as an oracle or tarot, but i am posting it here in the tarot spreads because i used the ANIMAL WISE - TED ANDREWS deck which is written as a tarot not an oracle. but like i said im sure you could use an oracle animal if you choose too.
i wrote this spread because my friend was being visited by an owl and i knew it had importance and wanted to know more about the owl coming to him. i also used it on my myself after a raven showed itself to me. i find it to be quite insightful.
i dont use layouts so just do what feels right.

1 - why hes come into your life - shown himself to you
2 - why he is making contact with you now
3 - what is his significance to you
4 - how do you tap into his power - connect with him
5 - what message has he been trying to give you
6 - what is your next step in carrying out his journey


thanks for sharing, think it will be useful for me, I will give it a try.