Weight Loss Issue Spread

Sonia Doris

Being faced with the problem of mending my physical body, I croped up a spread to help me take the best actions.

Here it goes:...



(1 > 3 => present situation)
1 - the querent's figure now
2 - benefits of the current body appearance
3 - negative aspects of the current body appearance

(4 > 9 => the problem)
4 - the main cause for weight gain
5 - what the querent did/did not do to cause the weight gain
6 - what the querent knows about the weight gain
7 - what the querent doesn't know about the weight gain
8 - possible medical problems to have caused the weight gain
9 - outcome if the present situation continues

(10 > 17 => solving the problem)
10 - first step to do before starting the treatment/diet/etc.
11 - first action to take in fixing the problem
12 - (body) area(s) to focus on
13 - for what to seek (proffesional) help/where to seek help from
14 - what the querent should do on their own
15 - recommended further actions
16 - best long-term treatment/action
17 - outcome if 10 > 16 are taken into action


hope this helps others too (let me know how it worked!! :-D)



That should force some truth to the surface :)


Thanks for the spread. I'm looking forward to trying it!



Thank you for the spread, Sonia. (and thanks AJ for the link ;)) I've been working on losing weight with little to no results for well over a year now. I'll have to try this spread and see what comes up :).


I tried this spread and loved it! A lot of good news and opened my eyes up to the double-side of things! Found out my weight gain was both a passive-aggressive issue against a family member and because I was going through a period of abundance in my life. Haha :)

Even if my life progressed the way it is now in the weight department, I would still be happy and vital (though it hinted I will still have to pay attention to what I ate).

And the very end result was the Queen of Cups - I would be emotionally secure. :D

Lovely, lovely spread! Thank you!

Sonia Doris

Thanks people for your replies and for the link!! I truly hope this spread works for everybody who needs it ^^


thank you so much for this spread. this subject is something that has been brewing in my mind for a while now. I can't wait to try this out :)

Eyes Wide Open


This spread was amazing. Very accurate. I will have to write it up so I can review it and make changes. Thanks for this!


Great spread, I will certainly use it!:D

Shannon Rae

Holy crap! 17 CARDS!

I am going to try it, though.