Silver Leaf anyone?



A few months ago (yeah, I know I'm slow getting round to doing things =P ), I bought a donut labelled "Silver Leaf", but I haven't really found anything about it. Does it go by an alternate name? I think one website mentioned "jasper". Any info on this stone and the domains it aids in would be greatly appreciated. You can take a look at the following photos: Side 1 and Side 2. It's a light, almost white colour, with lot's of grey and brown. It doesn't weigh very much either.


is also a nice site it says there
SILVER LEAF JASPER: Silver Leaf Jasper is known as the 'supreme nurturer'. It helps to remind us that we are not only on the earth for ourselves, but also to care for and bring joy to others. It symbolizes will power. It bolsters organizational skills and quickens project completion. It helps protect you from the harmful intentions of others.

how does it feel to you?


morticia monroe

Therapeutic Properties of Silver Leaf Jasper
All Jaspers are considered important to counselors and psychiatrists.

Silver Leaf Jasper is believed to bring protection from drowning.

Silver leaf jasper encourages willpower. It's worn by independent, highly disciplined people, or by people who aren't highly disciplined but would like to be. It gives us the willpower to stand up for what we believe and don't get intimidated by others into doing thing we don't want to do.


So Stone Leaf is a type of jasper! Thank you for all the links, and MCsea, I have to say that I felt very drawn to the stone (usually I'm not sensitive enough to feel drawn to stones). For a bit after that though, I felt a bit of "repulsion" from the stone. This feeling wasn't as strong as the "repulsion" (for lack of a better word) than I usually get from stones that help with things that I actually need assistance with (and I still don't know why I feel so "against" stones that are supposed to help me). However, within the last few days, I felt drawn to it again, which makes sense since a project at work really would do well with the properties of Jasper!


Yvresse said:
So Stone Leaf is a type of jasper! Thank you for all the links, and MCsea, I have to say that I felt very drawn to the stone (usually I'm not sensitive enough to feel drawn to stones). For a bit after that though, I felt a bit of "repulsion" from the stone. This feeling wasn't as strong as the "repulsion" (for lack of a better word) than I usually get from stones that help with things that I actually need assistance with (and I still don't know why I feel so "against" stones that are supposed to help me). However, within the last few days, I felt drawn to it again, which makes sense since a project at work really would do well with the properties of Jasper!

As you may know I have a belief system that links crystals to astrology, with that I feel that certain times crystals make - lets say positive links to our personal astrology and at other times - less positive links - repels is a good work its not negative its just not easy - well sort of...
So like you alot of people say they dont often FEEL crystal energy but you often have feelings around like and dislike - which on one level could be astrological... and changing.... depending on the astrological cycle this could be 28 years or more!


great news its a stone that has come to you to offer assistance!



Hi MCsea!

Actually, I haven't really heard of the link between crystals and astrology...beyond the birth stones you see in jewellery kiosks (which I always assumed was more marketing gimmick than anything else, wrongly, perhaps), though now that you mention it, it is not beyond possibility at all! Astrology's like a maze to me at the moment, but it's on my "to explore" list!




well the whole birthstone thing has been going on for ever but
I recently was guided to write a book about closer correlations crystals to astrology..
anyway I hope your crystal helps you in the perfect way you need