Irmata's Little Superstitions Spread


Doormousey posted this spread yesterday ( and I gave it a trial run with very god results.

I did it quick 'n' dirty, not thinking too much about "meanings"; reading what was "there" instead. It was immediately obvious to me that my cards addressed my wrong beliefs in the sphere of my creativity. Used my Truth-Seeker's (cards linked to images).

1. Ace/C: Sadness; loneliness; waste; desolation; ALONE. The Cup looks like it is weeping. There is all this input flowing in and it's just running out all over the place, going nowhere.
If 1 is the Self, this Self is in desperate need of a hug. There is no unity here, only isolation. Although the scene is lush and green, filled with life, the Cup might as well be in the middle of the desert. A loss of Self and universal oneness as a result of the rubbish beliefs. Also, the phrase "pissing away what you have" comes to mind.

2. 8/S: An unending cycle of pain; eternal suffering; barbed thoughts chasing me round and round and round; going nowhere, again.
This card is the long, dark night of the soul. I see light and warmth and the beauty of the lemniscate and all it stands for and it's being ruined by the consequences of Card 1. Those thorny thoughts that prick and poke and bleed me dry from the inside. Mental torture. The eye (window) is weeping and the other two cannot be opened, as they are guarded. Blinded.

3. 3/W Rx: Oooooh. I don't work with reversals... how on earth did this card get reversed??? Calm the fire/fear/rage; come down; turn your view of the act of creation on its head; a fresh approach. This card is far cheerier reversed than it is right-side-up.
It's strange that a creative action card would appear here in reversed position, right where I'm supposed to take action! Any insight? I keep feeling like it's a sign to forget about force, stop the cycle of hurt... I don't know.

4. Hierophant: My soul/birth card; new "religion"; new system; literally, new beliefs! Seeing myself in a new light, a solid base - I think it is significant that this card is the Hierophant, not the HP. I don't get a stodgy, "old-skool" vibe from this card; it's more pure, gentle, open, kind than expected. I feel that the 3 figures are important; like they represent something. If only I could see their faces...

5. 7/P: Fruit; occult; heavenly gifts; peace, joy, health, wealth. Lightness. A union between heaven and earth, body and soul, the sacred and the profane. If so, improved health? I love this garden scene so much - it is everything I could wish for. I am drawn to the tree in centre front; it seems to be coming forward, out through the card, but I don't know why this is important.

6. 10/C: Hello, 10 of Cups, nice to see you again :) Not surprised by this one; it's come up in similar positions before. Blessings/talents/gifts are plentiful, unending; direct contrast to card 1; give, give give.
I'm starting to think of this one as the "Duh." card, as in, "Duh, Irmata. How many times do we have to tell you? Here's you, and here's your natural talent - if you would just believe in it, and here's you stressing over it and doing nothing, and here's us telling you it's going to be okay - lather, rinse, repeat." :) This card has unending patience.

7. Prince (Knight)/W: Plant that damn Wand already!
Wands again, in another position of action. Think this, not that. There is some dynamism here, vibrancy, but not force. The Prince brings gifts to share, to plant with the others. The horse really strikes me as a companion, a guardian or guide. The ground looks like an ocean, a fiery ocean. The Prince dares, and his efforts bear fruit.

*Tarot n00b appreciates input!


irmata said:
1. Ace/C: Sadness; loneliness; waste; desolation; ALONE. The Cup looks like it is weeping. There is all this input flowing in and it's just running out all over the place, going nowhere.
If 1 is the Self, this Self is in desperate need of a hug. There is no unity here, only isolation. Although the scene is lush and green, filled with life, the Cup might as well be in the middle of the desert. A loss of Self and universal oneness as a result of the rubbish beliefs. Also, the phrase "pissing away what you have" comes to mind.
Well, it would certainly be good to let go of that attitude! Or it's the idea of being sad and thinking you can't have your Cup filled up! Let go of those notions and know that you can have whatever it is you like if you put your mind to it!

irmata said:
2. 8/S: An unending cycle of pain; eternal suffering; barbed thoughts chasing me round and round and round; going nowhere, again.
This card is the long, dark night of the soul. I see light and warmth and the beauty of the lemniscate and all it stands for and it's being ruined by the consequences of Card 1. Those thorny thoughts that prick and poke and bleed me dry from the inside. Mental torture. The eye (window) is weeping and the other two cannot be opened, as they are guarded. Blinded.
Yes, feeling trapped when you're not. You don't have to let yourself be tortured by life! You can breakthrough.

irmata said:
3. 3/W Rx: Oooooh. I don't work with reversals... how on earth did this card get reversed??? Calm the fire/fear/rage; come down; turn your view of the act of creation on its head; a fresh approach. This card is far cheerier reversed than it is right-side-up.
It's strange that a creative action card would appear here in reversed position, right where I'm supposed to take action! Any insight? I keep feeling like it's a sign to forget about force, stop the cycle of hurt... I don't know.
I think this card is telling you to let your mental anguish end for good. I agree with your interpretation. It all has to do with having a fresh perspective.

irmata said:
4. Hierophant: My soul/birth card; new "religion"; new system; literally, new beliefs! Seeing myself in a new light, a solid base - I think it is significant that this card is the Hierophant, not the HP. I don't get a stodgy, "old-skool" vibe from this card; it's more pure, gentle, open, kind than expected. I feel that the 3 figures are important; like they represent something. If only I could see their faces...
Building a solid structure! Learning. Being associated with something established.

irmata said:
5. 7/P: Fruit; occult; heavenly gifts; peace, joy, health, wealth. Lightness. A union between heaven and earth, body and soul, the sacred and the profane. If so, improved health? I love this garden scene so much - it is everything I could wish for. I am drawn to the tree in centre front; it seems to be coming forward, out through the card, but I don't know why this is important.
This makes me think your gifts will be on the physical level. You'll be able to see what you have created. You'll tend to your garden and watch it grow into something wonderful.

irmata said:
6. 10/C: Hello, 10 of Cups, nice to see you again Not surprised by this one; it's come up in similar positions before. Blessings/talents/gifts are plentiful, unending; direct contrast to card 1; give, give give.
I'm starting to think of this one as the "Duh." card, as in, "Duh, Irmata. How many times do we have to tell you? Here's you, and here's your natural talent - if you would just believe in it, and here's you stressing over it and doing nothing, and here's us telling you it's going to be okay - lather, rinse, repeat." This card has unending patience.
The Universe is working with you, all you need to do is ask for guidance. Your dreams are in accordance with the Universe!

irmata said:
7. Prince (Knight)/W: Plant that damn Wand already!
Wands again, in another position of action. Think this, not that. There is some dynamism here, vibrancy, but not force. The Prince brings gifts to share, to plant with the others. The horse really strikes me as a companion, a guardian or guide. The ground looks like an ocean, a fiery ocean. The Prince dares, and his efforts bear fruit.
The new attitude you need to adopt is that of the Knight of Wands - go forward with intent and confidence! You can do whatever it is you'd like to accomplish, just keep charging forward.

That was really nice. Lately, I've been having troubles with my mindset, so I tried to make something that was working with what you already have to change your perspective a bit. Hope that helped you!

Best wishes,