Rabbit Tarot: Wheel of Fortune



Oh the wheel has been spinning so fast the past few days! I don't think I have any control over the wheel, but maybe how I react to it? It all feels so scary.

Arianrhod is the queen of the wheel

Maybe I will try this spell.

You will need a green candle on your altar; a wand; the pentacle; a metal bowl large enough to burn papers; several small pieces of paper, and a pencil.

Write your dreams and desires on the papers, one desire to a small sheet. Lay the papers on the pentacle with the wand on top of them.
Take up the wand and lightly tap the papers seven times.

Pick up one paper and hold the end of the wand against it. Visualize a stream of brilliant white light emanating from the wand and penetrating the paper. If the light does not stay white, reread the desire and decide if it is really good for you. If it isn't, discard the paper, reword the desire, or perhaps save it for another time. If the light stays a pure-white, light the paper from the candle and drop it carefully into the metal bowl. For each burned paper, say: Arianrhod I give these thought-desires for manifestation. Let the ashes cool overnight. The next morning carefully discard them. If possible, bury them or cast them into flowing water. A good flush down the toilet counts.


Alexandrite is a gem that can change colors. The most sensational feature about this stone is its surprising ability to change its colour. Green or bluish-green in daylight, alexandrite turns a soft shade of red, purplish-red or raspberry red in incandescent light. This unique optical characteristic makes it one of the most valuable gemstones of all, especially in fine qualities.

Slippery Elm tea softens our resistence to change and allows us to feel more internal unity and centeredness.

Bear and his cycle of hibernation is an example for us.

Life moves on whether we do or not. Affirmation: When my life changes I let go of the way things were and I move on to the way they are.

Draw or color a mandala or just scribble some circles.

Think about the cycles of nature and start planning the next holiday, moon, solstice or other celebration.

In the midst of the ups and downs, remember the wheel has a still center.