The Chariot-Lo Scarabeo Tarot


A man stands from inside his carriage with a crab symbol on it, armored, and a has laurel wreath on his head.

Holding a cup in the left hand and a staff on the right, his chariot is moved by two horses which look like they're facing different sides.

The white horse on the left is facing left which indicate that it is going to go left. The black horse in the right is looking towards different direction, to the right. A starry pattern cloth is used as the backdrop of his carriage. In the background, a dark and clear skies

Although we see the bridled horses is to be with straps which is connected to the charioteer (the straps is unique to the LoS Tarot, not seen in the other decks which is used as its reference), the charioteer does not really seem to direct his horse. I see that he is pretty confident in the safety of his travel, and letting the horses take charge, for now. He also looks a bit cocky, because he is pretty confident in his own power; as if like he's letting go the horses for now because he's so very sure if he return his hand to the straps to redirect the horses, he will always succeed to do so.



Don't know the meaning of the square-ish plague on the charioteer's chest. Does anybody know? :confused: