Coming love spread: 4/25/10


Hey all-
I like others, am wondering what is going on in my life with regards to a potential mate. I was to be married in June, and called it off a while back. I have since had these visions of a tall man with dark brown eyes and short kind of spiky black hair- almost looks gelled a bit. (weird.. I know) I have been wondering who this man could be as I have not met him yet. However, I have had a major crush on this guy I see weekly, we pass each other, smile, and say hi, and thats about it. I have always felt that he is way, way out of my league. The other day he came in to the office, where I was waiting, and it was like time stood still while we held eye contact. It dawned on me, that he might just be the man I have been seeing in my visions! (There are other men around too) So I decided to do a coming love spread that I found on here...but I could really use some help with it! It would be much appreciated!!!

Spread: Coming Love Spread
Deck: Palladini Tarot (no reversals)

1 - Who is your coming love interest.
The Moon - (picses) things are confusing to me now. Don’t be in a hurry to end or begin a relationship. trust my intuition. ( About the dark haired dark eyed tall man I have seen in my visions.) Don’t try to force things.
2 - His work, job.
Knight of Cups - (pisces) addictions counselor? the guy in the office.
3 - His quality.
King of Rods – proud, confident, enthusiastic, kind soul, - proud father- eager to help, forthcoming with advice, carries himself well, great leader, good at getting people to see their own potential.
4 - His flaws.
The Heirophant- traditional very. Father knows best.
5 - His look.
10 Rods- wanting to help others taking on too many burdens. Was actually carrying stuff when he opened the door and smiled at me. kind of a stretch (office guy)
6 - What he will think of you the first time you will meet.—
The Fool- that I am not ready for a commitment yet?…purity, open hearted, child like joy.
7 - What you will think of him the first time you will meet.
Ace of cups- open heart, open to new beginnings with this person- whomever he is...
8 - His feelings for you.
Queen of Pents- feminine, motherhood, tending to the home
9 - Your feelings for him.
Page of Rods- new adventures, new approaches, new ideas
10 - The strength of your relationship.
10 swords- overcoming obstacles, this one really baffles me...
11 - The weakness of your relationship.
The world- feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, not sharing the burdens, trying to do to much on my own.
12 - Love potential in long term.
2 of cups - potential for real solid true love, and affection.

I worked really hard on this, and tried to do the best I could. I feel way to close to the situation, and I am wondering if I am trying to make it fit... I would like objection! Thanks again!


D-rea said:
I worked really hard on this, and tried to do the best I could. I feel way to close to the situation, and I am wondering if I am trying to make it fit... I would like objection! Thanks again!


I see, in part, some of the cards as you describe. However, I have some different views on some of the cards:

Hierophant - he is not very flexible, thinking in a box, difficult to see the other side of the story

The fool - he does not have very serious intentions initially, it will start relaxed as an easy-going relations

Page of rods - you will be iresistible sexually attracted to him, magnetized

10 Swords strength - it`s a `cure`(rebound) relationship, both of you will find thinks that will heal past wounds in other relations

Worlds - the weakness is your first intention to consider this relation with high prospective (marriage) instead of taking it stpe by step, with patients to live the moment and not rush to a `happy ending`

Be carefull of the defining card! - the Moon - this card support the Fool and the World card and enhance their meanings - it is a relation that you fantasise too much over it, you put a high load and significance on it, without the relation itself to have, in fact, the potential you dream of. It is something that is meant to be, will teach you something and help you evolve, but it does not mean necessary it will be THAT relation which just takes place to the called off wedding. Take it easy and enjoy the ride.


thanks so much for your insights Daphne... You are 100% correct that I need to better learn to look at the layout as a whole. I definitely tend to take it card by card, and I think that is one of the major reasons I joined is to get better at big picture reading, like the way you said that the fool and the moon enhance the fool.

So basically you are saying that this is just a rebound thing? Where does the 2 of cups come into this as the potential outcome?

I also fully understand your comment about trying to go slow and enjoy the ride, and I had learned that that was y big mistake when I almost got married. I am in no rush to do that

thanks for your input!


D-rea said:
So basically you are saying that this is just a rebound thing? Where does the 2 of cups come into this as the potential outcome?

It CAN be a rebound relation if you let it be. That means that it is not compulsory to be one, dont take tarot cards as destiny, unchangeble things but, on the contrary, as true (and wise) advisors and nothing more. Tarot cards do not make your future, they just tell you possible outcomes as they can become now, with actual energies. But you can change the future, you can influcence. You make your future.
Now, the cards had the great quality to advise us on possible mistakes and you can act on it, if we like. You are now a little bit more aware about this peculiar mistake and you can avoid it. Or not, you choice.

2 of cups come perfectly in this potential outcome in at least 2 ways:
1. in case is a rebound relation, you will be convinced you are really in love, big love, healing love, and embrace with all your heart this partnership (which is not necesary good or wrong, just a way to of living) - but without noticing that you are still 2 and not one - which is in fact the true love.
2. tells something about your huge openess to a new love and the fact that it is there for you already, just to open your eyes and see it. Beware again when you open those eyes to see the love in front of you, not to close them for the rest of the world, and especially for your past which should not be hidden under the carpet, especially from yourself.