Do You Dream About Tarot?


I dreamed last night that I was on AT reviewing a reading. The interesting part of the dream was that I noted that the initial reader had, a few cards down, switched from reading for the sitter and had experienced a "bleed over" and had part of the reading about themselves.

Anyone else dream about tarot?


I do, I've dreamt a few times about the golden klimt before I finally surrendered to buy it :joke:
I do have a few dreams about readings I was watching other people do and I didn't agree with their interpretations
most recently I was dreaming about a playing cards deck but this was supposed to be a tarot deck and I realised I had the Ace of Cups on the floor and another cup that I can't remember, I often see cards in dreams and when I wake up I know exactly what the dream was trying to tell me :)


That's interesting! Most treatises on dreams these days talk about the personal symbolism in dreams and how each person relates to dream symbols differently. Exactly like Tarot, yes? So it stands to reason Tarotists would dream about the cards when there's a symbol that he or she needs to see! :D


A lot. But my dreams usually involve courts of the same suit, or all the aces...yet a story is definitely woven out of them. But I've had vivid dreams my whole life, it's why I like to sleep & don't consider it wasting time.

Oh my, yes!
I have dreamt about specific decks...even specific Taroistas recommending specific decks (ie. dream of Mary Greer at a Tarot Conference and she did a reading for me [cannot quite place the deck now...dern memory lapses!] and kept saying that I needed this deck...).

I have dreamt of cards I have never seen and then asked on the forum and--lo and behold! [insert angelic choir music here]--it was an old RWS deck...

I have dreamt of debating which deck to buy.

I have dreamt of magical decks and magicians and old old books that show me the way to Tarot.

I have awakened to just 'knowing' I had to have a certain deck,
then awakened to the knowledge that sometimes my dreams are a bit tricksy ;)

I have dreamt of partial decks and dreamt of searching for the missing cards...

I have dreamt of a travelling fool, who presented me with a special deck, then took his bundle on down the wayward road, little dog nipping at his heel.
Did anyone see that man? I asked other shadowy dream travellers?
What man? They whisper.
I have dreamt of Tarot, oh my, yes.

canid said:
But I've had vivid dreams my whole life, it's why I like to sleep & don't consider it wasting time.
Yay! Me too! I do believe this is the first time I have heard (read) anyone with the same idea on sleeping!! :) :)
:heart: Merry meet, canid! :heart:

canid said:
Yay! Me too! I do believe this is the first time I have heard (read) anyone with the same idea on sleeping!! :) :)
:heart: Merry meet, canid! :heart:

Haha! I wonder if it has something to do with having a deck under my pillow sometimes. Probably not because I think, in this case anyway, your dreams evolve around what you're thinking about. Although that's also up in the air for me because I've had so many many cooly weird dreams that couldn't have anything at all to do with my conscious thoughts. For instance, back in the '90's I had a dream where I'd purchased a ticket, along with many others, on the Space Shuttle to circle the moon. I remember it to this day. For what it's worth, the Bible constantly mentions dreams, even stating 'You know not where you go when you sleep.' Not only the Christian religion, but every belief system places a high relevance on dreams.

Now I lay me down to sleep...who knows, maybe we'll merry meet tonite!


Yep, I have all kinds of Tarot dreams. Usually, they're about me giving readings or about clarifying a reading that wasn't making sense. Then there are the dreams where I loose my cards and I'm frantically looking all over for them. I have pretty vivid dreams, so definitely a big fan of sleeping... can't get enough of it if you ask me. :D


In my latest Tarot-dream I was inside a scenery depicted on Haindl Death card. I remember cool breeze, ripples on the water, leaves trembling etc... all pretty much vivid. It was an interesting feeling.
Other that that, I also sometimes dream of doing readings for myself and others - usually I remember the cards after I wake up.


Nachtigall said:
usually I remember the cards after I wake up.

Write them down!!! Seriously, I think it's important.