6 of cups vs. 9 of cups as feelings...what do you think?


So the new phrasing: if 6 of cups represent a man s feelings for person A and 9 of cups his feelings for person B, who do you think is he more likely to end up with? Both are cups, so he feels something for both persons, but I am interested in the nuances/ differences between his feeling for the two persons.


I would say he feels nostalgic for you and like the cat that got the cream as they say for his girlfriend. I think he is quite pleased with her and what they have.


With you, it is more like "true friend." He thinks very fondly of you, for sure. Also, the 6 of Cups can indicate that he also feels the strong bond, possible soul connection...if you believe in that sort of thing.

But yeah, for her, he's proud that she's his girlfriend. He's like, "I'm da man" regarding her. She is good for his ego and he's pretty stoked about having her as his significant other.


I agree with the two posts before me about 6 being more of a friendship etc. but the 9 of cups could also show that he may become 'complacent', so to speak.

That's just an alternative meaning, you should wait to see if he remains faithful in the future.



Thank you all for your answers...so, the general opinion is that 6 of cups is more a card for a friendship,even a soul mates type of friendship...well it definitely feels that way, but for me it just isn t enough. It is interesting because I have only met this person a couple of times, and after the first time 2 of cups and Lovers used to pop in every reading, but after the last time when we had a good time, things changes and now is all about 6 of cups. But yes it is more likely that he is happy with his girlfriend ( thought a little complacent ) and only wants a friend.


This card position does not say who he will end up with, it describes his feelings for a particular person right now. A lot of other factors also come into play in who one "ends up with." You can't even say which he "likes more," because your question has to do with quality not quantity. If it were really push comes to shove though, one might also look at it that the 9 is more developed than 6, but I think you have to go back to question.

If you want to know if the guy will end up with A or B, then ask that. Remember though, he might end up with C (or D, E, F, G... you get the picture.)


As pasara indicated, he is most likely to end up with "C" (or D or E or F...:))

The Six of Cups is about nostalgia and fond memories. That, to me, suggests that he is already "over" Person A, and will think of her in terms of being a past love. The Nine of Cups is sensual and happy--but complacent. He already "has" her, and he knows it. But Nines are about endings and completions...so, it is likely that his relationship with B will not stand the test of time, either.

In actuality, though, I see the possibility that at some time in the future, he may come back to A (as the Six of Cups can suggest the return of a past lover.) With B, once that relationship is done, it will be done. So, if there HAS to be a choice between A and B as to who he will end up with, I would lean more toward A. But, again, that could be way down the road in the future...and I wouldn't feel certain about it happening.


While I can't say if he'll end up with A or B, I'd like to chime in:)
I would personally prefer someone to feel 6 of Cups for me regardless of the outcome. I think it indicates positive feelings that endure time. Even if you don't "end up" with the person, the feelings are geniune and good.
9 of Cups, in my experience, always shows up when I'm being taken for granted. It usually points to gluttony. Someone who indulges and enjoys something(or someone) without truly appreciating the situation. And once they've gotten their fill, it no longer holds any importance and they're off looking for the 10 of Cups!
Of course, that's just what I've observed. Do I sound bitter? LOL :D


Am tending to agree with the above posting.
Nine of cups might well be the final actions of the horny desperado before the bedframe collapses under the wished for strain.
Six of cups has more mileage here with some 'fulfillment' but more to arrive.


pasara said:
This card position does not say who he will end up with, it describes his feelings for a particular person right now. A lot of other factors also come into play in who one "ends up with." You can't even say which he "likes more," because your question has to do with quality not quantity.

It was a bad phrasing after all :) ....yes that is exactly what I wanted, how does he likes them, the quality of his feelings.

P.S and I confess because I am personally involved, maybe to hope that he will "end up", at least temporary with person A .

Thank you all for your replies.