Fantastical Creatures Study Group - The Fool


I would love to read other people's interpretations on this tarot deck by Lisa Hunt. Many people have commented that the cards are beautiful but the booklet is not very helpful with the readings. So, I intend to start the ball rolling with my thoughts on The Fool card.

This card can be seen here

0 - The Fool
The Fool is represented by an Amphisbaena sitting in a tree, with one head looking forward down a path which leads to unknown distant lands, whilst the other head looks back at the way it has just come, unable to make a decision. It seems to be defiantly poking it’s tongue out at the past, determined that it’s not going to get the better of him. The tree it sits in is an old gnarled tree. The bark has come away in places indicating vulnerability and insecurity, but these patches are in the past with the rest of the trunk being healthy and effectively shielded against possible future emotional traumas. There are various knotholes on the tree that indicate past traumas. The large the knothole in the middle of the tree is indicative of a recent trauma and the severed branch indicates a recent loss of some kind. Despite this, the tree leans to the right, towards the future, indicating that the person is concerned about tomorrow but may be a little eager and impulsive. The empty nest in the crown indicates that the person has, or is thinking about leaving their familiar comforts and ways of life behind in search of new beginnings.
The wall represents obstacles to be overcome along the journey, but these obstacles are relatively small ones and even though the path starts off rocky and uneven, it eventually turns into a smooth, wide bright path leading to unknown lands in the distance. The red flowers show the courage and energy that is needed to travel on this journey.
The clouds vary in colour, with each patch of grey cloud having its own ‘silver lining’, indicative of the peaks and troughs that we will have to face on our life’s journey.


The tree, this two head snack-dragon is sitting, is look like human hand with 5 fingues. 5 of wands means getting life lessons, clarify plans, thoughts, the main branch of the vain intentions, requires concentration, volitional effort, certainty thoughts on the new way (totally we have 3 trees = 3 of wands).

The path is separated with two trees one is in blossom of green leaves and another one is old without leaves. It is the path between birth and death.
The path is with stages that express graduate life experience and lessons. And this way is not easy because it is strewn with many small stones (heavy cognition, small interferences and difficulties on the way).
The tree is with hollows and holes similar to the "labor Corn", symbolizes that we have to work hard in the future to achieve our goals.

Amphisbaena - symbolizes the harmony and symmetry of the two principles of masculine and feminine natures are just beginning to sink under the guise of the Fool, a symbol of cyclical time in a closed ring. It is look like lunar nodes of our past and future experience.

And there are are a lot of flowers around, symbols of new fresh love. Flowers are still growing on the ground, they are not disrupted yet. it is the awareness of the first self-sexuality, but not tasted yet.


Thanks for that Surja76!
I was struggling with the meaning of the 2 trees - 1 in blossom & the other without. I'll have to get my deck out & re-look at the images with your interpretation in mind.
I also like the analogy of the path representing life experiences & lessons.
Hope you can help me with more symbols and meanings as I am very new to this and love this deck, but am struggling to grasp the meanings and imagery within it.
Thank you! x


Hi hemlock. Glad if something I told help you to understand this card more clear. Sure, I would help you with pleasure. Your intuituve interspritation of the card is very clear and meaningful too.
yes may be it soulds terrible about two trees but it is the circle of our life that goes from birth to the death, from beginning to the end, from the Fool to the World but there is a hope for reincarnation and new beginning. :)


I've looked at this card again after reading your interpretation. I'm glad you pointed out the tree looking like a hand - I had missed that! I personally see this as symbolising power, domination and protection. Hands are seen as points of transmission, of giving and receiving, both energetically and physically, giving a clear message of the power and protection offered to us along the journey of life.


Yes right. Said very nice. :)


The Fool as the Amphisbaena from Fantastical Creatures

I went back to The Fool and wanted to focus on my own interpretation.
I know this specific card has been interpreted before but it's been about 3 years ago so I thought of renewing it.

I'll share my interpretation and feel free to share yours if you'd like. The picture of the card is in the following link:


Amphisbaena - This mythological creature represents the Fool, who when faced with choices, often can't make up his mind, or decides without enough information. Amphisbaena is a Greek word for amphis, meaning ''both ways'' and bainein, meaning ''to go'' (both ways to go). The Amphisbaena usually makes it's home in the desert so looking at the picture, he seems very out of place.

The Tree In The Middle - This is the tree the creature is currently on. Judging by it's condition, the tree isn't as it once was. The nest on the tree tells me that the creature has been living on the tree for quiet some time now so it symbolises that it's stuck and can't make up it's mind to what it should do next.

The Trees On The Left & Right - The tree on the left represents birth and of course the one on the right represents death. By looking at the tree the creature is on, it's much closer to the birth tree which symbolises that the Amphisbaena has just recently started his journey (birth = new beginnings). Beside the death tree there is a long road leading to the unknown, the path the Fool is likely to take, what I mean by this is that before the end (which can be anything) there is a long path filled with ups and downs but filled with lessons the Fool will take in order to be enlightened.

The Flowers On The Ground - On the left side (where the birth tree is) the flowers are growing beautifully, but the important message here is when we look at the right side (the future, death). Flowers are still growing beautifully on that side too which tells us that we have nothing to fear, we don't need to fear death cause death is only leads us to life (you don't have a soul you are a soul you have a body)

The Small Wall & Steps - Once the creature is ready to let go of it's comfort zone, the path is ready to be taken. It's the first steps the creature needs in order to start his journey, there is no wall where the passage is, symbolizing a welcoming start.

Other Notes - The Amphisbaena is looking on the left and right, unable to set it's mind to one direction. That's because the Fool is a wanderer without goals.

Thanks for reading... Peace!