Arcus Arcanum--The Wheel X


This card shows three identical maidens, blonde, garbed in simple white with gold clasps, surrounding a large wheel which resembles either a cartwheel or a spinning wheel without the drive belt. Above them is a bright glow, like sunlight; below them is the dark of night with stars. These represent the three Norns, of northern mythology, but the Mediterraneans have the three Fates who, while not quite the same, are analogous. These maidens can be past, present, and future, or beginnings, middles, and endings, or any threes (and folklore is full of threes). And there's hardly anything new to say about the turning of the wheel! :D

But the fact that the ladies are identical does tickle the imagination. Is it that different times, or different experiences, are more alike than they seem to be? or that things that seem to be alike really aren't??

Their simple white robes and cloaks, though, seem to indicate their purity--not in the sense most people think of, but their uncomplicatedness, if you know what I mean. They are completely covered, but as plainly as can be; and their golden hair floats freely about their shoulders. Their facial expressions are an intriguing combination of joy and--not quite sorrow, perhaps pity?

Having them all afloat in the cosmos, divided between bright light and starry night, is also interesting. It makes them, well, cosmic: not particularized, not earthbound, but everywhere and for all time.