Summer Solstice Spread


It's officially summer! And is officially the season that I hate the most haha. But! Doesn't mean good things can't come, right? Saw this spread and found it interesting so I gave it a try. Used my legacy of divine deck. No Reversals.

4~~The Sun~~2

Pull "The Sun" from the deck and place it face up in the center.

1. During the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, more light is available to us. What in my life has been in shadow, that I need to shine a bright light on so I can see it clearly for what it is?

-The Wheel - I feel like this may be saying that with this new season, my luck is going to end up changing a considerable amount. I also feel like this may be saying that I may come to terms with idea of what needs to happen versus what I want to happen. The wheel seems to simply be going into motion and major events may start to be underway.

2. The word "solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" (meaning sun) and "sistere" (meaning to cause to stand still). What in my life am I trying to force into happening when instead I need to be still and patient?

-King of Cups - I actually laughed when I saw this card. When I first saw this spread I had a feeling that it would be love related for this position and low and behold you have the king of cups! A marriage man. Though I guess it's also pretty fitting since within the last couple of days I've decided to just remove all influence I have on my love life and not even worry about it anymore.

3. The Summer Solstice is often called "Midsummer" because it is roughly in the middle of the growing season. What in my life is fertile and productive now? Where are my opportunities for growth?

-9 of Coins - I feel like this may be correlated to my career since I'm interning this summer. There may also be some increase in income (hopefully) since it's a paid internship as well. I also feel like this is saying that I, myself, have the opportunity for a lot of growth this season which I'm really hoping will happen.

4. After Summer Solstice, the days gradually become shorter, and the sun's strength wanes as winter approaches. What is waning in my life? What do I need to release?

-The hanging Man - Okay, this one I'm stuck on and don't get. The Hanging man in and of itself is a card about release so I'm releasing my need to release? :confused: I feel almost like it's a little redundant to the Wheel to a degree. Though perhaps this is saying that I just need to release my sense of control in general, which is something that I'm trying to do as well.

I pulled an extra card to see the overall message/theme/gift/what have you that the summer will be giving me and I got the 4 of wands. Seems like much stability and comfort will enter my life and I feel like with the Wheel and the Hanging man, it may be something that will take a little while to evolve, and may come about closer to the end of the season.

Input and what not is appreciated! Please don't be shy :) Everyone can use a little helping hand, right?

Guiding Cauldron

thanks for this


Hi Obeygravity!:) Here's my two cents:

1. The Wheel - For me, it is about fortune changing, but it can also be about repeating patterns. Whether it's a job, relationship, etc., I seem to repeat (and repeat...) those lessons that I don't want to change. Perhaps what needs to have some light thrown on it is a repeating pattern in your life?
2. & 3. Agree with you on these two! Sounds right on target!:D
4. Hanged Man - The Hanged Man is about surrendering control, and realizing that there are people, places and things we can't change. It is not fatalistic thinking however; it is realizing that the Universe will take care of things and has a bigger, much broader plan than I could think up.


bodhran said:
Hi Obeygravity!:) Here's my two cents:

1. The Wheel - For me, it is about fortune changing, but it can also be about repeating patterns. Whether it's a job, relationship, etc., I seem to repeat (and repeat...) those lessons that I don't want to change. Perhaps what needs to have some light thrown on it is a repeating pattern in your life?
2. & 3. Agree with you on these two! Sounds right on target!:D
4. Hanged Man - The Hanged Man is about surrendering control, and realizing that there are people, places and things we can't change. It is not fatalistic thinking however; it is realizing that the Universe will take care of things and has a bigger, much broader plan than I could think up.

Well, I guess it's also good that I've been moving past a lot of things in my life that seem to have just been undergoing a lot of predictable patterns, eh? Haha. Though... I do hope that it's more of an obvious change in luck because things seem to have been overwhelmingly negative in my life for some time now.

And yeah, I feel like the Hanging Man has been this never ending theme in my life for the last few years which is why I was a little confused in seeing it here again but I guess I just... need to continue to keep doing this, eh?