

Why are virgo's always protrayed as power hungry perfectionists that are always prim and proper with everything in place? I mean im a virgo and im far from tidy. my room is nearly all ways a tip. Can anyone explain it to me? Virgo's afterall make the world go round as they are all ways working as other people's cart horses! =:?(


There are Virgos and then there are Virgos

If Virgos didn't have the ability to push others then how would they be able to control their environment's order and alignment? Now, not all Virgos are neat freaks. Neatness is just an ordering of a moderate or minimal amount of stuff. When a Virgo has a lot of stuff they sometimes don't catagorize, file and pack it all up BUT just like it to be exactly where they dropped it last. It may look like a mess but it is a remembered and intentional mess. I'm a double Virgo (Sun and Moon) with Cancer rising. Somethings I keep neat and orderly, other things I keep in a "controlled mess" state of being -- I just know where it is and others had better not rearragne it. Dave.



You may be a Sun sign Virgo but this doesn't necessarily mean that you are predominantly Virgo. As well as the Sun there are nine other Planets which may well be in other signs, there is your Ascendant and your MC. You might well be predominantly Gemini instead LOL

If you want a run down post your birth details - time, place and Date.

isthmus nekoi

Minderwiz is right, you may well have many placements that tone down any Virgo-ness in you...

And yes, it's true Virgo gets the rep for being a critical neat freak.. but Virgo has its really good points too as it is the sign of health and order. Virgo is great for hygiene too! My roommate has a Virgo moon. He always smells wonderful (no small feat for a young guy lol) and we keep the place neat as a pin w/o a schedule or anything. A welcome change from the unhygienic roomies I've had in the past!!


I have quite a bit of Virgo, AC, Jup, Plu & Ura.
I out clean everyone at work. I'm the only one who will tackle
the organization of cabinets! But my home? that's a different story
Dads explination about knowing where it's been dropped in the 'mess' is so true in my case. LOL, my mess is organized.


Hmm, I think that makes sense, because I've always wondered about that too! My older brother is a Virgo and he is very messy, always leaving stuff wherever he drops it, but then he is always the "finder" in our house, able to locate anything! He is also rather particular about his appearace and likes dressing up and being neat.


tanis said:
Why are virgo's always protrayed as power hungry perfectionists that are always prim and proper with everything in place? I mean im a virgo and im far from tidy. my room is nearly all ways a tip. Can anyone explain it to me? Virgo's afterall make the world go round as they are all ways working as other people's cart horses! =:?(

As a fellow virgo, and whose room is a tornado, I say it is because the people who write this balderdash needed someone to pick on, so they picked on us, because we're nice. Just think about it, 12 stereotypes. Somebodys got to embody the anally retentive retard. Then if you rebel, "oh, so you're not a neat freak, oh that's easy, your only partly a virgo....and the fact that you disagree proves that you are critical and persnickety"

Sorry guys, it doesn't make one whiff of sense to me. This is the flaw that disproves the whole theory...

And I'll bet there are plently of non-virgos that CAN keep their rooms neat. I think it has much more to do with the example you were raised with, your priorities, your time, whether you are visual or aural, than with which stars were where when you popped out.


Well none of us are a pure sterotype! Stereotypes are little boxes invented to try and provide sweeping generalisations about people.

No Astrologer worth their salt would declare that everyone was an identiperson and fitted exactly into the predetermined box.

I'm a Sun sign Libra, and I do like harmony and balance to a degree and I've also got Neptune in Libra. However I've got Moon in Aquarius, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio, Mars, Saturn, Pluto and my Ascendant in Leo. So I'm a fair mix of Libra, Scorpio and Leo with a dash of Gemini (Uranus) and a dash of Taurus (MC). I might like harmony but there are times when I can stir things just to see what happens (Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Scorpio) - indeed I can be quite confrontational just to provoke a reaction or to keep an argument going by playing devil's advocate - none of this is 'Libra' but it is me!

My daughter has a Virgo Ascendant - she suffers from a 'typical' Virgo complaint of Irritible Bowel Syndrome. Her room is a tip most of the time but she likes to organise people and for people. Its her who does the organising of trips/hen does etc for her friends. Indeed at our very first primary school parents evening the message was that she likes organising people.

However she is a Sun sign Taurus, and she has Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aries - she's a one woman panzer division when she wants to be.

Its important to realise that nearly all Astrologers treat Sun sign attribution of personality as extremely dangerous - even those that right 'Stars' columns in newspapers and magazines.


virgo here,

lol organizing people ?

when i was in a school play i was about 6 or 7 , they film me going around the stand putting people in their proper places and my mom told me she laughed like hell when i did that, for i look so serious and like i belonged there doing that. (i remembe laughing when i saw myself doing that a week or two after on tv )

my room is one big mess, so i dont' think (sept 8, 430 am 1975) that i am a true virgo.
but that organizing people was sooo funny eheh.


well, my dad was a Virgo (Sept 9, 1947) w/an Aries Rising...

he was probably one of the most methodical thinkers i've ever known...he could be neat, or messy, depending on his mood...

but as far as appearance, he was always impeccably dressed...he used hairspray long before it was fashionable for men to do so...his hair was never out of place...:)

he had Sun, Mercury & Venus all in, it was a strong influence w/him...though i don't think anyone would have ever described him as "power hungry"...he was a perfectionist...but then, so am i and i don't have a lick of Virgo in me...

i think stereotypes are dangerous things...we are all multi-faceted classify people this way is just wrong...stereotypes are just wrong, period...IMO, of course...

many blessings,
