Waiting for the ring spread (thanks glass owl)


As suggested by glass owl and a couple of other members here I have gone into more depth with the "Should I call him" by using the spread given by Glass Owl with a minor modification, adding two cards to the outside of the middle row....

Waite tarot cards with the following spread http://www.tarotforum.net/showpost.php?p=2253627&postcount=3

1) What do I need to know about Luke?
Eight of Swords (Reversed)

He is holding himself back due to inner anxiety. He is lonely but is his own doing.

2) What do I need to know concerning Luke's current view of communicating with me?
Ace of Swords (Reversed)

A new beginning, emotional extremes indicated. because reversed, delays or glitches are indicated. Is he busy? Or waiting for me to make the first move?

3) What may increase the probability of Luke contacting me in the near future?
Page of Swords (Reversed)

Getting over his insecurities??

4) What may decrease the probability of Luke contacting me in the near future?
Ace of Pentacles
being busy at work or starting a new project.

5) What should I do while I wait?
Think about what it is that I truly want.

6) What should I not do while I wait?
The Sun (Reversed)
I dont really understand this one as its not a negative card.

7) Should I Call luke instead?
think before taking action?

8) Outcome of calling/relationship
King of Pentacles (Reversed)
Argh, reversed i read this an an untrustworthy man? but then not reversed a good courtship, past life connection made etc.

I'm more confused than I was before!!! Argh!!!


You read the eight of swords as if it were upright. Reversed would be opposite in this case and I think its say "He won't hold back, very open and honest, no restraints." Ace of Swords (R) would most likely mean he Hasn't thought too much on communicating with you. I think the ace of pentacles could mean he's focused on his job/ Studies/ another task which is why. I believe justice is saying "you can call him if you want to, its your decision."


Thank you lovebug :) Your interpretation is a lot more positive than mine.

when I met him he seemed really honest, hence the shock at no call :) But he did say he works really long hours as a carpenter.


I am still new at this.

I would say that at this time forget about contact from him right now. In regards to you contacting him, I would say to really think about it. I think that you maybe looking at the situation with rose colored glasses because you like him.


I would say, think indeed about what you really want from him, and mostly for yourself. Justice to me as contacting is indeed your decision, but consider the outcome, which isn't that charming. Quite a lot of swords too, it's all thoughts, no action so far, and surely with the reversed Ace and page of Swords; I don't see him actually getting into action. He has done the words, but won't do the action. I take it will be you, otherwise not much will happen, surely because he's full on in his job. I hope this helps.



Well i guess if he's non comittal at least its because of his job, and not because he didnt like me :)