Wheel of Change- aces


Welcome back, Freesiaskye! I was wondering where you were!

Just wanted to respond first to what you said about the order of the suits. I absolutely agree with you. I do not think it affects the reading at all, or makes much difference with the interpretation of the cards. That's why I began by presenting the order I use the elements in, and then tried to show how it actually was totally conducive with Andrea Genetti's point of view.

By the way, I also associate wands with fire and swords with air, just in a different order. (Swords, air, thought, spring- Wands, fire, action, summer- Cups, water, emotion, autumn- Disks, earth, physicality, winter)


Freesiaskye, I love the feeling you got from the Ace of Wands. Brilliant. Yes, full of energy whether that be sexual, creative, *transformative*, or even angry. Bursting forth!

I agree about being aware of possible negative connatations. In my wiccan tradition, wands are also associated with the WILL. Passion, power, energy of the will to create, transform, move forward, achieve. Certainly there is a danger of becoming unbalanced when the force of the will is overly ambitious or untempered by love and compassion. (This is how the cups come into play!)


Freesiaskye, YOUR attention to detail is phenomenal! I always loved the artwork of this deck, but I must thank you for pointing out much of the symbolism that goes unnoticed or unmarked by me sometimes.

To me, the Ace of Cups represents the stormy, temperamental weather of autumn. (At least in my part of the world!) Again, this is the season I associate with Cups. Autumn, and twilight, or dusk.. It is the element not only of emotions, but of the subconcious, the dream world, intuition. It is closely associated to the moon for obvious reasons. This is where things get hazy, borders are smudged, there is more back and forth between the worlds. It is the cosmic stew of creation, the cauldron, the womb. Here, all elements are mixed together. It reminds me of the seas from which first life emerged. While I associate this with the season of fall, there certainly is something very primal here. Perhaps I'm more of the Celtic tradition in which Samhain (Halloween) was considered the new year!

Also, I feel a real mingling of celestial, and oceanic energy with this card. If feels kind of "ultimate". It reminds me of the God and Goddess and of creation- of what we can draw faith from. It reminds me of one of my beliefs: that the basic law of the universe, how it unfolds and evolves is through love.


I love your take on the Ace of Swords! Another reminder of how we can overdo things!

I need to pull out the Ace of Disks again and have another look.


Same Way With the Twos and On?

I don't know how Wildchild feels but I'm getting a lot out of this study group.

The study of the four suits in one card has been very helpful in pulling out thoughts and associations that might not have occurred to me. And I just love what everyone comes up with from their own study and thoughts. I know it entails more writing and study but it seems to cement the ideas in my mind and this is not a conventional deck so I need that.

If no one else objects, can we carry on in the same manner with all the minors and do all four suits for each number or court card in one go?



Freesiaskye, I'm happy with the way we're approaching this deck... I don't see any objections. Do you want to start a new thread for the two's?


Okay, I'll set it up and get back when I've pondered a bit.

My attention wandered away today, I finally found a suitable pattern for a doll I want to make. I've been looking around for four months and finally went back to a place I'd originally looked.

Anyway, that got my Ace of Swords mind way, way out of whack. ;-0)))


I'm good with the way we're doing this. I'm still a bit slow with my responses but I'll keep up. I'm still working on the aces...doing a comparison of the 4 aces.


Wildchild, take your time. I'm still going to check the Aces thread every once in awhile.

I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the Ace of Disks, yet. Although, maybe that's because it is one of the most obvious. How did Freesiaskye put it? Primary sustenance? '

Traditionally I've always thought of the Ace of Disks as a new source of income, a gift or newly bought land or property, a new job. A new resource, and the potential that it represents.

But something about this deck, primarily it's beautiful and detailed images of nature, make me think of the Ace of Disks as related to something much more... natural? I look at this card and think of lifecycles, and seasons. I wonder if the birth of a child could be represented by this card. Our first manifestation on the planet, or I should say the beginning of this manifestation on the planet.


I keep going back to the Ace of Disks too. I love this card. To me, this is what the ace of disk should be. Her phrase "seed card" is so accurate. The seasons cycle around and the earth changes but everything starts here in this seed card. As Aces, all 4 aces are the beginning of each element that they represent. In this ace of disk, I see not just the start of all things physical but the vibrancy of the Earth herself. The energy of the Earth that feeds and nurture all living things. This same energy that causes life to burst out of its seed pods and grow strong and healthy.