The Book of the Law Study Group 2.75


It's a zen koan! Ayes (eyes) can't listen to anything. ;)

I get a sense that there is more to this verse than meets the eye. :laugh: Why are we told to "listen"? (Hearing is attributed to the letter Vav.)

Are we being told to approach the next verse in a different way?

by zero

(*word and letter shuffler at work*)

In German Listen is the plural of list,
which results in :

Lists? Two, the numbers & the words.

Somehow this made me keeping track of all the instances of
for, four, and of (as the reversed form) and of to, too, two
as homophones of the numbers 2 and 4. :D

Don't ask.


The numbers and the words, but not the letters? Maybe this line tells us what not to listen to.

by zero


רשימה is Hebrew for list.
I like that word, I don't know why.
Adds up to 555.
...hir name...

Sepher Sephirot says
Obscurity עפתה
The God HAD (spelt in full) ה:א:ד

I like עפתה even more, nice combination of trumps.
Might be transcribed OFTHE