Spreads on health & internal organs..


Okay, so I'm not so sure this should be in tarot spreads LOL.
Do you think it would be possible to use a specific spread to learn more about your bodies health ex. your internal organs health. If so what cards would be best used for that? I'm not sure if there is already a spread like that any input would be greatly appreciated.

I was thinking about how they have spreads to read your auras and what not and how far into depth they went and so it made me think of the internal organs and would it be possible to do the same as an overall health reading on them as someone would do with your aura with tarot cards.


tarot layout for health

HI Twistedbunny, yes, there is a health layout and it is as follows:

Healing Layout
© 1998 Adeptus

This layout is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.



The positions reflect the following:

1= The inner worlds
2= The inner landscape
3= The head (brain, sinuses, eyes etc)
4= What you eat and drink
5= Emotions
6= Short term immune system
7=Long term immune system/thymus
8= Central vital organs
9= Male hormones and genitalia
10= Female hormones and genitalia
11= Digestive system
13= Muscular/skeletal system
15=Short term future

When using this layout you first look at what is coming in from the inner worlds. Often illnesses can come from deeper places along with magical /spiritual patterns. This is an area where you can tell if the illness is caused by magical/spiritual influences or inner parasites. If something in this position is not checked, it will eventually flow into the inner landscape.
The inner landscape will show what the inner body has in holding: things that have not yet manifest physically are often shown here, so things ranging from fevers to cancer can show here, as can invasions by other peoples energies. Some people have very thin boundaries and can often become victim to people who suck off of their energy, or who have unhealthy emotional control over them. If so, it will show in the inner landscape. Also any unprocessed and hidden issues will also show here.
The head position will show any brain chemistry imbalance, any infection that is affecting the sinuses, throat, any hearing problems or eye issues. Also, any emotional problems that stem from chemical imbalance will show in the head position as well as the emotional position.
The position 4 shows what we take into our bodies and if there is something that is irritating our system like a food intolerance or drug, it will show here. It will also show if you are eating too much or drinking too much.
5: the position of emotions will reflect the emotional state of a person.
Position 6 shows any short term primary immune system action. If the body is gearing up to defend itself it will show here, as will any irritant.
7 is the position of the deeper long term immune system which is often affected by heavier emotional impacts. The thymus gland, which is the seat of the longer term immune system processes emotional impact: any heavy impact that can affect the immune system with show in this position. Also, any deeper illness that the body is struggling with or trying to process will show here.
8 is the central vital organs i.e. lungs and heart. Any infection, damage or degeneration of these organs will show here.
The male reproductive system and hormone balance, and sexual activity will show in position 9 as will sexual attitudes towards partners.
10 is the same but female. Any uterine issues, infections, cysts, fibroids etc will show as will fertility issues.
11 is the digestive system and will show bowel action primarily, but also stomach and intestine. Food that irritates, bacterial imbalances, infections, constipation etc will show here.
12 will show sleep quality, dream action and whether the sleep is regenerative or not. Insomnia issues will also show here.
13 will reflect any issues with the bones, muscles or CNS, including deficiency, breakage, weakness, irritation etc.
14 is the skin and how this major organ expresses toxicity out of the body. The immune system works in a centrifugal action which means illnesses and toxins are pushed from the deeper organs to the outside via the skin. That is why the patient often gets better when the rash appears. Toxins will appear as spots as the body tries to rid itself by processing through an organ that can disperse safely.
15 shows the near future outcome and patterns.

When you look at the layout in more depth, you will start to see how the body processes outside influences, with emotions passing through the thymus and being processed through the dreams/sleep. Similarly, you will see how food/drink affects the short term immune system and how it is processed. The progression of power coming from the inner worlds is fascinating to watch as you see how the body deals with it and reacts to it.
It is also handy as an esoteric worker to look and see how certain magical actions will affect the body and how some illnesses are not really what we would consider illnesses: the symptoms, however physical, are the direct result of inner energy/magical action.
It is also very useful when looking at whether an illness is caused by a chemical imbalance or deficiency, or whether it is caused by invasion by a virus or inner parasite.
The discussions about how this layout can work goes on forever, as the more I have used it the deeper my understanding of how it works gets. I have used it for 10 years now and I have found it an invaluable tool in my bag of tricks as an esoteric worker.
This layout along with designing a deck to go with it appears in my forthcoming book with Mandrake of Oxford Press UK


There are some spreads collected by Aeclectic members here.

Important Note: Tarot spreads should not be used as a definitive answer to health questions and are not a substitute for professional medical advice.