Favole Tarot



I’ve just come across a few reviews of the Favole tarot deck and am stunned to see how other people are interpreting the suits; someone, has suggested it like this:

Crosses = Wands
Butterflies = Swords
Masks = Coins
Flowers = Cups

This is definitely not how I see it; the Crosses resemble Swords and the Masks are held on a stick - so they should be Wands! It took me a while to sort the Flowers and Butterflies into Cups and Coins. I suppose everyone will see it differently.

But, each suit has a border and the Crosses have a blue one, which suggests cold hard steel cutting through the air – well it does to me. Masks have a brown/red border which is warm like Wands because they represent fire. Butterflies are magenta which does not lie well with the suit that represents air.

I can’t find the ‘real’ explanation of the suits and so, lacking an official notice, I will carry on in my own way – which is:

Crosses – Swords
Butterflies = Coins
Masks = Wands
Flowers = Cups

Anyone know the official line on this?

Le Fanu

Doesn't the LWB offer any insight?

I'd look in the LWB at all the 3s and the one which refers to grief and pain will be the swords suit.

Then look at the 8s. The one which refers to speed and haste will be the wands...

and so forth.. ;)


There's only a generic booklet with the pack and nothing about the deck at all! So you're left to work it out for yourself from the images...and they are very beautiful cards. I think in the end it doesn't matter; I'm forcing myself to work on/from the images rather than the traditional meanings. But I'd love to discuss this with others who have the deck.

Thanks for your swift words LeFanu

Le Fanu

No clues from The Courts? (I'm trying!) :)

Does the Queen look more fiery and energetic? (she must be Wands) or aloof and icy? (she must be Swords!)


No, the people are pretty mixed and both those queens have red hair. So you can't really tell from the actual images.


What works for me is;

Crosses = pentacles
Butterflies = swords
Masks = wands
Flowers = cups

I see crosses as something physical / tangible, like a coin or disc.
Butterflies are often associated with swords (they appear on lots of sword cards with the association of 'air').
Flowers can open and be receptive and gentle, just like cups, and the masks are actually at the end of 'wand' type object so it just resonated like that to me.

It's obviously open to each person how it translates for them.

It's a fabulous deck and the pip cards don't put me off in the slightest!


Actually it is interesting that a pack can be used like this. I split my deck Gypsie, and am only using the majors with the courts for a daily one-card draw to get to know them. The pips can be used for questions. So I'm in testing mode and writing all my readings down to see how well I'm working with the deck; I do love it.


Sounds like an interesting way to get used to it!
I use the full deck for my own readings (I don't read for others with it - or at least not yet...). I tend to find the flavour, mood and atmosphere of the fully scenic cards influence the unillustrated PIPs when they appear, so I never get a mental blockage when reading with it.

I can't help thinking what they would have done with the pips though, had they decided to illustrate those too!!!


I'm really inspired to learn that you guys are reading with these and enjoying them. I adore my beautiful Favole cards but I found the suits so bizarre I haven't even attempted to read with them. Sounds like it may be worth the effort if I ever make the time to work at it!


Without doubt u should give it another go! Ive never been that keen on pips, but my tried and trusted method is to turn all the cards over in your chosen spread as u deal them, rather than read by turning over one by one. When i see how all the cards 'blend' together, words, ideas and emotions come spilling forth from who-knows-where! I'd say the pips in the favole are elegant, mysterious yet suggestive.... And now i am wondering how querants i read for would react to these wonderful pips.. Maybe i will read for others with it.. Got me thinking!!!