Faery Seekers: February 2011: Alta and elvenstar

strings of life

Here is the suggested spread, it can be used for something specific or adapts nicely to a general reading. It only uses four cards, but you can also add an optional 5th card too.

via Fire Cat:

A Message from My Spirit Guide" Spread:

-5- <~ optional additional card

- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
- 2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
- 3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
- 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?
* - 5. What would be the outcome if I decide to not follow this path? (optional additional card)



Hi elvenstar, should be a fun exchange.

If you know who/what your Guide is and want to share, that might be helpful.

Sorry, but though I have had 'encounters' I could not say exactly who or what my spirit guide is.

Alta xxx


Hello :D

How about:

- 2. What are the faeries trying to tell me?
- 3. What is the advice the faeries are giving me?

That would work for me. ;)

Also, did you have a topic in mind? Some general faery advice for me, please.

Looking forward to it!
elv xxx


Sorry, I didn't mean to say that I didn't like the proposed spread.... I do!!! Just saying I didn't know who my guides were.

Did you want to use a different question, because I (we, hehe) can do that.

:heart: A


I like the spread too, was just trying to say that I see the faeries as my guides in this case, I guess. I'm happy to use 'Alta's spirit guides' for your reading :)


Hi elvenstar,

I decided to use all 5 cards and to use the Heart of Faerie. I have been using the FO mostly and thought the newer deck needed its chance in the sun.

:heart: Alta

A Message from My Spirit Guide" Spread:

- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
50 The Hidden One

Somehow the card seems to be about roots and branches. It is saying that sometimes you feel that the moment is all that there is, but they say that all moments are linked. If you try to forget the woman or girl whom you used to be, and the past effects that you have had on others.... well, living in the moment is one thing, but stranded in the moment is another.

Also you have a soul deep shyness, and you 'forget' this and make 'reasonable' excuses for not doing something or interacting with some people. If you can look past the excuses perhaps you can deal with the real issues. There is a lost child still inside you. It could also be a long-ago imaginary friend who need re-visiting. For some reason I thought of "Tinkerbell". Some older part of you really strongly needs to be acknowledged now in order to move forward.

Something in your life is making you feel raw, but you feel helpless to face it. Help from the faeries seems to be tied to your past imaginings.

- 2. What are my faeries trying to tell me?

17 The Rox

While you are not really in charge, you have more power than you realize. You feel like a fake, a poseur, in your own life. You have a lot of support but the support systems (people or rules or whatever) often won't work together for you, you'll have to organize and contact your support a bit at a time.

The one who pretends to be your enemy simply doesn't not have as much power or authority as they like to pretend.

There is someone near you who can help. They don't look all that effective at first, but they see the ins and outs of things and can help you skate through this with some style.

You are far from all-powerful, but don't underestimate your own impact or strength. Someone close to you is giving you bad advice based on their misanthropic view of the world.

- 3. What is the advice my faeries are giving me?

57 The Joy of the Future

I think that this is like getting The Sun or the 9 of cups in tarot. It seems to me that there is an aura of "there, there, it'll all come out in the end" about this card.

There is much yet to come, so many fruits not yet eaten, nuts left still to crack. Laughs to be made, worries, sniggles, giggles and generally the warp and woof of life itself all to be enjoyed in their moment. This is not the beginning of the end, this is the end of the beginning.

- 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?

55 The Remembrance

You will have to leave much behind to get through whatever you face currently and some of it, even if bad now, has a warm enough glow that you are sad to leave it (or them) behind. Remember what they said about the first card. The past flows out behind you like gossamer tendrils and the future lights up in your path. You are never completely alone in space/time, but the trick is to not just look ahead or just look back. Balance in all things.

You will feel a certain loss. Have a cookie.

- 5. What would be the outcome if I decide to not follow this path?
34 Tink

ohmigoodness. I have been turning over the cards one at a time, and am wondering a bit about that earlier idea of Tinkerbell.

Looks as if you stay stuck in the present and don't do the work, that your inner faery will be royally p*ssed. She looks cross. :)

:heart: Alta


Hi elvenstar..... *waves hopefully*


Hi, you beat me to it! Was coming to say your reading and my feedback will be up tomorrow. I'm sorry for the delay. :)


sob, I thought you forgot me..... dissolves into a puddle of tears....



Hi Alta, here is your reading finally! I'm sorry for the delay, but at first it didn't feel like the right time to tackle this and then life got in the way. I used the first deck only for your reading, turning them over one by one. They were all very persistent and repetitive about their message, perhaps it is of some urgency.

- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
Iris of the Rainbows

You have a choice about where your attention goes and then you have a choice about whether to act on what you find there. Life force and spirituality: You always have a tight hold on these, no need to worry you'll loose sight of them. The Sight, the intuition, you are so used to relying on these things, perhaps you sometimes forget not everyone lives their lives this way? There's so much activity on this card, everyone's busy with their own thing, but Iris is calm and centred in the midst of the happy chaos. Some of her secrets she keeps hidden and she says it's ok for you to do that too sometimes, if it feels appropriate. There's also something about frogs and princes and seeing the whole spectrum of possibilities. Let your self be surprised every now and then, she says.

- 2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?

Ha! More frog action here! Also more urging towards being open to possibilities, allowing the future to happen any way it sees fit and welcoming unforeseen and weird circumstances, letting them develop and seeing where they lead. She says you are sometimes being stubborn and defensive and this can interfere with some processes, not letting some seeds grow as they should. Nuts that seem sour are sometimes the best, but you won't know if you don't try. A lot of fun and joy can be missed this way. I think this is similar to the frog/prince thing. Not everything is as it seems and you'd be pleasantly surprised by some things that may now not seem worth your while.

- 3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
Honesty rx

Yikes! I think he's saying you've been doing some fast and creative talking to yourself. He's not terribly impressed by this. He says you need to examine your motives. Are you being completely honest? Are you really really trying to avoid facing some truth? Or explore a specific path? Relax and let the truth of the situation reveal itself to you. You'll be pleasantly surprised. (I know this sounds repetitive, but I got it from the three of them separately.)

- 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?
The Topsie Turvets rx

You will be really really surprised and get a whole new view and understanding of the whole thing. The change of perspective will be so spectacular your head will be spinning for some time to come. And that is a good thing, apparently. Or so they say. :D

* - 5. What would be the outcome if I decide to not follow this path? (optional additional card)
Ffaff the Ffooter rx

Well, not so great, I guess. Unless you think that having an arbitrary view of things based on nothing in particular is a good thing. Faff says he doesn't, personally. Me, I tend to go through life mostly in that state, so can't cast any stones. :p

Well, I don't have the slightest inkling what this is all about, but they seem to think it's pretty important you change your attitude. If you need help identifying the 'Frog Prince', they'll be happy to help. The feeling I'm getting is it has something to do with preconceptions and subconscious resistance to some things, possibly related to trying new ways and approaches to something. It's like you have perhaps rejected an option out of hand, without proper consideration and they are urging you to rethink this and be more open to trying new things. They say something you are trying to avoid may end up being a Very Good Thing.

Hope this makes some sense to you!
elv :heart: