Faery Seekers: February 2011: Mellaenn and ellirhyn

strings of life

Here is the suggested spread, it can be used for something specific or adapts nicely to a general reading. It only uses four cards, but you can also add an optional 5th card too.

via Fire Cat:

A Message from My Spirit Guide" Spread:

-5- <~ optional additional card

- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
- 2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
- 3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
- 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?
* - 5. What would be the outcome if I decide to not follow this path? (optional additional card)


Mellaenn and ellirhyn - that has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? My name, which is one I made up (unless my spirit guide whispered it into my ear) is pronounced Mella - in. Is your pronounced ella - rin?

Anyway, nice to be partnered with you. I do love the faeries; they are very wise. I have used this spread before and I like it. Do you have any particular focus (e.g., career, love, friendship)?

I am wide open. It is a brand new year for me; I just had a birthday. :) So just tell me what you see in the cards!


Hi Mellaenn, yes, my name is pronounced ella-rin. And ditto how i got this name! :)
Which deck do you prefer I use for your reading? For mine, I am OK with either or both decks, however you like to read. I also read reversals, if any come up in my reading, let me know, as I use the information as energy blocked (or moving, as the case may be). I don't have any particular focus, so just whatever the fae have to tell me, I will listen as best I can.

If you don't like reversals, I can skip them for your reading, as I know the HOF deck doesn't read with them. Let me know what you like, what you want me to focus on, and I'm glad to be your partner this go-round! Happy Birthday, too! :)


My dear lovely partner, I'm so sorry I forgot about our little thread! :)

You can use any deck and reversals are fine!

And I will get to your reading in a day or so.


Thanks for letting me know, Mellaenn, I'll get to your reading ASAP. Been a bit of a rough week, so it will likely be tomorrow night or Saturday that I can focus and do it for you. :)


"A Message from My Spirit Guide" Spread:

  1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
  2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
  3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
  4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?

What should I remember that I am forgetting? - The Joy of the Future The faeries pictured on this card evidently have NOT forgotten joy of the future. They look like kids on Christmas day. I'm especially drawn to the little fae girl in the center holding the acorn and the seed; she has a look on her face like "If you could see what I see, you would be so happy!" I think you are forgetting to see yourself in happier circumstances and the Fae are reminding you of this basic law of manifestation.

What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me? - The Challenge Clad in a mask of oak leaves, this faery looks into our eyes as if to challenge us directly. There is a challenge right now in your life. You know what it is. Your Spirit Guide is reminding you that before you decided to incarnate for this life, you actually chose this particular challenge! One thing you can do is take some time to meditate about it and open yourself up; you might even be able to get a little insight into the reason this challenge is here in your life. Is it the kind of thing you've had to deal with before? Maybe there's a reason that this keeps coming into your life.

What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me? - The Juggler Wow, that Juggler looks kind of stressed to me. He has a look of what they call "brittle hysteria" on his face, a very 10 of Wands feel to this card. It feels like he is thinking, "Now if I just go over here then I can that and then a little later come back there and do such-and-such..." and on and on, and when the Big Red Bus of Life pulls right in front of him he's so startled he's likely either to pull back and miss the bus - or worse, get flattened by it! I think your Spirit Guide is telling you to focus. Perhaps the aforementioned Challenge has you distracted but there are other things that need your attention and actually, that can help you solve your current situation.

What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path? - The Paradox There's an old joke about the mixed emotions one feels upon seeing one's mother-in-law going over a cliff in a car (these jokes assume one detests one's mother-in-law; tacky and tasteless, but what do you expect from a joke?) and the only drawback is that the car is your brand new Lexus convertible! If you follow this path, it's likely that you'll have a good outcome. But be aware that if you follow this path, it's also likely that you'll have a bad outcome. It will be the same outcome, it will just be "good news, bad news".

Summary Overall I think that your guides are telling you that you are facing a challenge right now and that everything is unfolding just as it should be (I know, don't you hate hearing this? Me too!) and that a little soul-searching will help you connect this with guidance from your own Higher Self as to why you chose this particular challenge. I think this will make a difference for you. You are also being asked to focus and finally, to understand that the outcome may not be ideal, but it will serve you in some ways. Finally, the best news in this reading is from the first card with all of those happy faeries reminding you to look to the Joy of the Future. It means that this, too, shall pass. :)

I do hope this reading has in some way served you. Again mea culpa for not getting to it sooner; I am sorry to set such a poor example! Take care - Mell


Mellaenn's reading:
- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
The Heartless Love (reversed) Abandonment, Heartbreak, False Expectations.
The Heartless love speaks about the expectations we put on others, and whether they are realistic or a fabrication of something we desire our lover to be. The deeper concept of love isn't always what we want or think it should be. The Heartless Love is asking you to remember carefully those relationships you've had in the past, and to be mindful of if you were the person who heartlessly left someone bereft, or if someone has done this to you? Relationships are difficult enough, but learning about love can be even more difficult. One of the hardest things to not do in a relationship is the projection of what you think your lover ought to be, rather than accepting what they really are. Are you expecting something from someone that they are not capable of giving? Beware of who you give your heart to and be mindful of whose heart you are given, is the strongest message that this faerie has. Don't forget this lesson!

- 2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
The Joy of the Future: Fearful anticipation, Optimism, The Now.
Your Spirit Guide is reminding you of The Now. The Now is always here and present, and if you focus on it, then the anticipation of the future can be released to unfold as it should. Its all about attitude here, if you fear the future, you run the risk of calling those fears to you to teach you the lessons. But if you accept with joy what the future has to bring, then living in the Now can be much more pleasant and relaxing. This is a tough lesson because it truly is "easier" to expect the worst and be prepared for it. But are you prepared for the best? Sometimes when you release and let go of the negative fear of the future, you open up the way for the good things to move into your present moment. Live in the now, and enjoy it. As my dear friend the Raven says, "Be Here, Be Now".

- 3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
The Queen of Owls: Physical Healing, Wellness, Wholeness: Have you been neglecting your physical body? Have you not been eating quite as healthfully as you should be? Or could be? Are you drinking enough clean water? Are you getting enough restful sleep? The Queen of Owls is the Faerie of physical healing. When your body becomes the only thing you can focus on because it hurts that badly, call on her to help you with that. Healing has to start with the desire to heal, and the belief that you can do so. Work with her, slow down for a bit. Give yourself the time to heal. Take the extra 10 minutes to breathe deeply. Stretch your body in the morning and before bed. Feed your body with good healthy foods. And most of all, love yourself through your pain, it will help heal you. When your body becomes sick, that is sometimes the Universe's way of telling you to slow down a little bit. Ask the Queen of Owls to help give you the strength you need to heal.

- 4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?
The Lord of the Forest (reversed) Eternal Masculine, Action, Strength.
Hmmm, this is interesting. If you follow the above advice, the Lord of the Forest comes up as the outcome. He is strength. He is action. He says get off your duff and do it. It is time to act on your dreams, no more sitting back, it is time to take the lead! This is required in order to maintain or regain balance in your life. The one danger here though, is forgetting about the Heartless Love. (these two cards were reversed, hence the possibility of imbalance!) If you remember, then I believe these Faeries can help you regain balance in yourself and in your relationships. And best of all, hopefully these faeries can help you balance your relationship with yourself. When you have a good relationship with yourself, all else falls into place. Another thing to be mindful of though, especially with the Lord of the Forest, is, too much masculine energy can run roughshod over the more delicate nuances and subtleties of a relationship. it is important to take action, but to not become too single minded in that action. be mindful of how it affects those around you, and your relationships with them.

This reading really seems to center on relationships, I hope it makes sense to you, Mellaenn! I enjoyed reading for you, if you have any questions, let me know. I will post feedback on my reading shortly! :)


Feedback on my reading!

What should I remember that I am forgetting? - The Joy of the Future The faeries pictured on this card evidently have NOT forgotten joy of the future. They look like kids on Christmas day. I'm especially drawn to the little fae girl in the center holding the acorn and the seed; she has a look on her face like "If you could see what I see, you would be so happy!" I think you are forgetting to see yourself in happier circumstances and the Fae are reminding you of this basic law of manifestation.

I don't know about seeing myself in happier circumstances, but this card is a very good reminder that the future isn't necessarily going to be as bad as my past was! It is an excellent reminder to Be Here, Be Now. I don't need to "fear" the future, I just need to remember to not focus so much on what might happen and just "go with the flow", so that good things can come to me. :)

What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me? - The Challenge Clad in a mask of oak leaves, this faery looks into our eyes as if to challenge us directly. There is a challenge right now in your life. You know what it is. Your Spirit Guide is reminding you that before you decided to incarnate for this life, you actually chose this particular challenge! One thing you can do is take some time to meditate about it and open yourself up; you might even be able to get a little insight into the reason this challenge is here in your life. Is it the kind of thing you've had to deal with before? Maybe there's a reason that this keeps coming into your life.

This card is absolutely the right card for this position. LOL, the Challenge is learning something totally new to me. It is scary, but the Challenge is telling me to be brave and to face it. The biggest thing this card says to me is, to stop listening to that niggling little voice inside that says "I'm not good enough" to do this. The self-effacing/self-criticism is the biggest "challenge that The Challenge is pointing out to me. Besides, how am I to know if I can succeed if I don't try? LOL, As Yoda said, "Don't try, Do."

What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me? - The Juggler Wow, that Juggler looks kind of stressed to me. He has a look of what they call "brittle hysteria" on his face, a very 10 of Wands feel to this card. It feels like he is thinking, "Now if I just go over here then I can that and then a little later come back there and do such-and-such..." and on and on, and when the Big Red Bus of Life pulls right in front of him he's so startled he's likely either to pull back and miss the bus - or worse, get flattened by it! I think your Spirit Guide is telling you to focus. Perhaps the aforementioned Challenge has you distracted but there are other things that need your attention and actually, that can help you solve your current situation.

Ah, here is where it gets interesting. The Juggler is actually helping me with The Challenge. Bless him for coming up! I am having much to juggle, the message the juggler is giving me is, to prioritize so that things go smoothly. There is so much to learn and remember, and he is a good reminder to reassess what it is I really am wanting, where am I going with all this, anyways? Again, the right card for this position!

What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path? - The Paradox There's an old joke about the mixed emotions one feels upon seeing one's mother-in-law going over a cliff in a car (these jokes assume one detests one's mother-in-law; tacky and tasteless, but what do you expect from a joke?) and the only drawback is that the car is your brand new Lexus convertible! If you follow this path, it's likely that you'll have a good outcome. But be aware that if you follow this path, it's also likely that you'll have a bad outcome. It will be the same outcome, it will just be "good news, bad news".

Hmmm. I'm not seeing this as black and white. The Paradox is again, accurate for whats going on in my life right now. Its just... that the situation itself is a paradox. Its stressful as hell, yes. It has both good and bad points. But its more of a mishmash swirl of craziness (that I'm juggling). I am going to definitely need to draw another card or two to help me clarify. I need to figure out what might happen if I "don't" follow the advice, for example.

Summary Overall I think that your guides are telling you that you are facing a challenge right now and that everything is unfolding just as it should be (I know, don't you hate hearing this? Me too!) and that a little soul-searching will help you connect this with guidance from your own Higher Self as to why you chose this particular challenge. I think this will make a difference for you. You are also being asked to focus and finally, to understand that the outcome may not be ideal, but it will serve you in some ways. Finally, the best news in this reading is from the first card with all of those happy faeries reminding you to look to the Joy of the Future. It means that this, too, shall pass.

Mell, I wanted to thank you for this reading, the cards were bang on. I needed to re-read in the book what each card had to say, and it made a ton of sense. I am going to draw another card or two to get clarification on the last card, (As suggested by the book) and I'll post it when I get to that. In the mean time, thank you again, I look forward ot hearing your feedback on your reading! :)


ellirhyn said:
Mellaenn's reading:
- 1. What should I remember that I am forgetting?
The Heartless Love (reversed) Abandonment, Heartbreak, False Expectations.
The Heartless love speaks about the expectations we put on others, and whether they are realistic or a fabrication of something we desire our lover to be. The deeper concept of love isn't always what we want or think it should be. The Heartless Love is asking you to remember carefully those relationships you've had in the past, and to be mindful of if you were the person who heartlessly left someone bereft, or if someone has done this to you? Relationships are difficult enough, but learning about love can be even more difficult. One of the hardest things to not do in a relationship is the projection of what you think your lover ought to be, rather than accepting what they really are. Are you expecting something from someone that they are not capable of giving? Beware of who you give your heart to and be mindful of whose heart you are given, is the strongest message that this faerie has. Don't forget this lesson!
Well, relationships in general or on a pretty even keel for me right now. I have a spouse of 21 years and while I have certainly been guilty of expecting him to be something he's not on occasion (aren't we all) right now I'm only expecting what I know he can deliver but isn't. So maybe this is just a reminder of prior relationships where there was a lot of leaving and being left. :) Or, maybe because it was reversed, it's an indication that I am supported by a steady and constant companion?

ellirhyn said:
2. What is my Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
The Joy of the Future: Fearful anticipation, Optimism, The Now.
Your Spirit Guide is reminding you of The Now. The Now is always here and present, and if you focus on it, then the anticipation of the future can be released to unfold as it should. Its all about attitude here, if you fear the future, you run the risk of calling those fears to you to teach you the lessons. But if you accept with joy what the future has to bring, then living in the Now can be much more pleasant and relaxing. This is a tough lesson because it truly is "easier" to expect the worst and be prepared for it. But are you prepared for the best? Sometimes when you release and let go of the negative fear of the future, you open up the way for the good things to move into your present moment. Live in the now, and enjoy it. As my dear friend the Raven says, "Be Here, Be Now".
Isn't it funny that we both got this card? It has a great message for me. I do try to live in the moment and I succeed much more than I once did. But just lately I've had this strange attack of "What's going to happen?" and "What if?" right in the middle of a time when apparently everything is going pretty well! This is a good reminder to stay focused on the joy and the gratitude to continue to manifest it.

ellirhyn said:
3. What is the advice my Spirit Guide is giving me?
The Queen of Owls: Physical Healing, Wellness, Wholeness: Have you been neglecting your physical body? Have you not been eating quite as healthfully as you should be? Or could be? Are you drinking enough clean water? Are you getting enough restful sleep? The Queen of Owls is the Faerie of physical healing. When your body becomes the only thing you can focus on because it hurts that badly, call on her to help you with that. Healing has to start with the desire to heal, and the belief that you can do so. Work with her, slow down for a bit. Give yourself the time to heal. Take the extra 10 minutes to breathe deeply. Stretch your body in the morning and before bed. Feed your body with good healthy foods. And most of all, love yourself through your pain, it will help heal you. When your body becomes sick, that is sometimes the Universe's way of telling you to slow down a little bit. Ask the Queen of Owls to help give you the strength you need to heal.
This is outstanding advice, and I have just gotten back into some of my good habits in terms of taking good care of my physical body. Maybe I'll get out the Queen of the Owls to help me with this, but after just a few weeks I already feel SO much better! But when you drew this card for my reading, I was still struggling and feeling kind of low because of it, so great read on that.

ellirhyn said:
4. What would be the outcome if I decide to follow this path?
The Lord of the Forest (reversed) Eternal Masculine, Action, Strength.
Hmmm, this is interesting. If you follow the above advice, the Lord of the Forest comes up as the outcome. He is strength. He is action. He says get off your duff and do it. It is time to act on your dreams, no more sitting back, it is time to take the lead! This is required in order to maintain or regain balance in your life. The one danger here though, is forgetting about the Heartless Love. (these two cards were reversed, hence the possibility of imbalance!) If you remember, then I believe these Faeries can help you regain balance in yourself and in your relationships. And best of all, hopefully these faeries can help you balance your relationship with yourself. When you have a good relationship with yourself, all else falls into place. Another thing to be mindful of though, especially with the Lord of the Forest, is, too much masculine energy can run roughshod over the more delicate nuances and subtleties of a relationship. it is important to take action, but to not become too single minded in that action. be mindful of how it affects those around you, and your relationships with them.
I think the advice you gave in this sentence especially, and I'll quote you: "And best of all, hopefully these faeries can help you balance your relationship with yourself." is great. It goes hand in glove with the information from above. I think maybe too, this is still a challenge for me to take charge, be assertive and push the way I need to push with such strong energy (that we consider almost masculine) but I am doing a better job with this all of the time.

ellirhyn said:
This reading really seems to center on relationships, I hope it makes sense to you, Mellaenn! I enjoyed reading for you, if you have any questions, let me know. I will post feedback on my reading shortly! :)
You have a great reading style, very well thought out. I agree, I think the big thing is for me to take better care of me and remember the Joy of the Future! Thank you for the reading and I'll see you around the purple pages! :)