Connolly: The Five of Wands

crazy raven

When I first laid eyes on the Connolly 5 of Wands, I felt a tremendous surge of willpower and energy. Water as we know can be an unpredictable energy (emotions, unconscious) and yet this man and his boat, with the help of the wind, are flowing confidently upon it. There are no obstacles (earthly limits) in his way, he courageously pushes forward, facing any fears and doubts head-on. It makes me wonder if he’s rebelling against something or someone. Detaching from whatever was holding him back pushing forward to become more individualistic and independent.

Hopefully he realizes that strength also means adjusting and changing directions according to the way the wind blows. And that he will have to take full responsibility for his actions. I’ve always found the 5 of Wands to be a card of confrontation and separation…both of these require lots of courage and strength.

This card also makes me feel that the imaginative mind is the key to breaking boundaries….it takes us out of the moment and allows us to explore endless possibilities. The boat or vehicle could represent the five senses and learning to use them to find our own truth. When activated they can provide a totally new experience.

Queen of Disks

This man is sailing against the wind in his boat. It's a strong wind (leaves are being blown off of his wands) that is churning the waves a bit. To me, this card is about perserverence. This man will get done what he needs to get done, but he will have to work extra hard and perservere because of the wind and adverse conditions.