Tarot of Dreams - Four of Wands


Overall/First Impression: The card seems to be inviting me step forward. It seems to say "Well, go on, all you have to do is X to get what you want..."

Doorway: Safety, mystery, sanctuary. Crossing a threshold implies an action that brings about a change, a change in circumstance, a change in location.

Trees: The roots and breath of the world. Creativity rooted in the ground, reaching for the sky. Beauty. Any further thoughts of their particular significance to this cards would be great.

Wands: Four surrounding the doorway, decorated as in previous cards, suggesting stability.

Red Moon: At first I thought this was Mars, but the LWB states it is the Moon. The Moon is behind he door so it may symbolise the dream that is about to come into reality.

Meaning/interpretation: Actions are needed to bring your dream into reality. Be assured that you will have your desires manifest in the real world. What you want is right there for the taking.

The CD states, "Safety, security. Taking concrete action in order to create the changes you desire."

Any thoughts would be lovely!