HallowQuest lesson 11 - Sword Queen, Sword Six and Seven


Lesson 11 Questions.

1. What training do you most need to be effective in your life?

2. How would you describe yourself to others?

3. Are you a defensive or forthright person?

4. What is passing away from your life right now?

5. If you could holiday anywhere at all, where would it be?
In visualization, go to that place now. In non-ordinary reality, who is the guardian spirit of the place? What does that guardian say to you?

This week also contained a meditation through this week's cards.


Pathwalker's week 11 Questions

1. What training do you most need to be effective in your life?
(that's a really broad question!)

I 'think' I need discipline, to enable me to continue and complete tasks in a timely fashion. (how do you get trained for that?)
And a way of learning to be strong (mentally - emotionally) so that I don't jump to seeing new expereinces as if I am the centre, and under attack.
Stronger mental defenses, so I can assess and judge, and decided action calmly, from within a safe place.

2. How would you desribe yourself to others.

I think I describe my physical self, and roles as mother, wife, bird keeper, all that sort of thing. I don't allow much of inner mental self to be revealed (although witholding something is a revealing action!)

3. Are you a defensive or a forthright person?

I am quick with the mouth - gets me into trouble. But inside, behind that shield, I guess from my responses above I'm quite defensive.

4. What is passing away from your life right now?

Some aspects of materialism - and I appreciate what I have more because of it.
A sense of rush and worldliness - I am trying to cultivate a calm and observant attitude.
My role as mother is changing, although I think it never passses from you.

5. If you could holiday anywhere at all, where would it be? In visualisation, go to that place now. In non-ordianry reality, who is the guardian spirit of that place? What does this guardian say to you?

I travelled to a hill-side in Greece; no particular place, just there with the ruins of a temple. An olive tree, a spring, rocks.
I lay down on the warm temple floor, and waited. Maybe, I worreid, some Olympic Goddess might arrive - but an oldish man came, with a staff and a food bag, and the sound of goat bells down by the stream.
'Good morning', I say, 'are you the guardian of this place?'
'Yes' he says 'the tree, the hill, the spring.'
'What about the temple?' I ask.
'Oh that's just something that some people put up' he said.

We share the food he's brought, and looked out at the miles of countryside.
'It's beautiful' I say.
'It is beautiful, if you have time to look, eyes that see.'

After a few more minutes he held my hand and said,
'It's all yours; if you can see it with your eyes, it belongs to your heart. Take care of it.'
And then he was gone, and the bells faded down the hill.


It's an interesting set of questions.

I wish I had time right now.


Hi Aerin :) I'm behind but still going, I ought to be ready for the next section of the Quest at the Equinox, but will keep on with Sword.
Did you find you had to stop altogether? Which section did you start with? (sorry I can't remember that)
Will you start again do you think?
PW x


Hi, I started in Spring so I didn't do the Swords.

I would like to start up again "when I have time", but at the moment between studies and work... no. I stopped when I started my PGCE and that's a few years back.

I will definitely restart though, probably after my MSc though and that is taking time :O


Pathwalker's meditation - Sword Queen, Sword Six, Sword Seven

Meditation - first part

I have been reluctant to begin this meditation, and as I approach the clearing and see the Sword Queen in the distance, I realise I am reluctant to meet/face her!

The clearing has many people, busy, cooking, walking practising arms. On the far side sits the Queen, burnishing the Sword. I don't approach, but rather stand a way off with my back to a tree, and watch it all. She looks in my direction; I am holding a small stone from the ground in my hand. I am much more comfortablewith the physical, than with this mental and inner appraoch. She doesn't smile, but she doesn't glower - I feel she's just patiently waiting. Someone offers food - clear spring water, cheese, bread, and I eat - but as the Queen begins to speak to a small group I move back into the trees.

*** I feel I need to read more about this Queen, carry the card with me, find out how to approach? ***

Meditation - part two

...The Queen laid the Sword down across her lap, and smiled at me. "Welcome" she said, and I realised all my fears, my prevarications, had been foolish. Although her lessons may sometimes be harsh, she is here to teach and help me, not to condemn or hinder.
Her robes of yellow and purple contrasts with the homespun and worn clothes of the Seeker, but she is a judger of the mind and intent, not appearance and possessions.
"What is it that you seek here?" she asks me.
And I am forced to pause, and consider - no trite answer will serve, this must be clear and true and from the heart.
And as I look around me here, seeing so many plants flowering, fruiting, striving to succeed; and the spider's nest, where the mother guards a myriad of tiny babies; and birds hurrying around with chicks to feed, it comes to me.
As I see bright red fruits ripening, "PASSION" is what I seek. Passion for the Quest, so that it should not be just an intellectual exercise. Passion for the land, to stir me into action not just see things that need doing. Passion to change my inner self, to become a right guardian of what I seek.
And she smiles at my bare feet, and my honesty, and tells me how - that the fire does not stay alight by itself, but needs fuel and tending. "What fuel?" I ask, but then realise I already know the answer for me - the beauty of my landscape provides the fuel, when I let it inspire me.

Meditation - part three!

(something about rubies - research this)

I can't write much detail now, but the Queen greted me with a kiss, and the words "well done" which I knew meant well done for coming back and completing this)
She led me to the river, and explained about the boat. I rode it downstream (the sounds of deep bells ringing far away, from the Sword) and saw many other adventurers in glimpses through the trees, but like film clips, not really connected with me, without reality, just watching.
When it was time, I left the boat and it travelled away with the water, as I watched the Sword in the stone approach on the current. I stepped into the shallows and grasped the Sword...

It slid a little from the stone, and I clearly hear the words "Soon, soon".

I wept, and was reluctant to let go. I touched my forehead against the hilt, where the Quenn had kissed me, and let go.

Disappointed but still determined I sat sorrowful on the bank, before returnig through the door.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This has been a hard journey, and taken much longer than a week to complete, but each step teaches something.