Accidental discovery dealing with deck odors!


I was going to post this in the most recent thread dealing with deck odors but on second-thought decided it deserved it's own Thread:

Recently I had my car given what is called an "ozone treatment" (which I am sure is anything but environmentally friendly) for a mildew smell in my car caused by a huge water problem during one of our torrential Florida downpours. I forgot that I had left an old musty, mildewy Thoth deck in the glove compartment (for emergency readings); and when I got it out just now it actually smelled like a brand new deck!

If you are "green" you certainly wouldn't want to go this route, but if you're desperate why not put a bunch of your worst-smelling decks in a box, leave in the backseat, and go to the car dealership and get yourself a car ozone treatment? Works wonders!


This is one of the most eccentric things anyone has done for a deck of cards...

C'mmon, confess that Thothy wasn't by chance there, in the glove department, we won't judge you; as fellow maniacs... pardon, readers/collector/enthusiasts we understand.... })

Ohh, and the ozone layer thing?! Its an urban myth, or so i've heard! :angel:


I like ozone. It's why the air smells so nice and clean after a thunderstorm.


You would also get the added benefit of your car smelling nice and new, so, win-win!


You would also get the added benefit of your car smelling nice and new, so, win-win!

How much is it? I reckon we can put our decks together and share the costs!
Lol, i can only imagine the looks at the their faces when we get them cars full of Tarot decks! :p


It was $69.99 USD but again I had to get my car ozoned because of a horrible mildew smell.

For hardcore collectors with that old, musty Pamela B or Greenwoood it could be a lifesaving alternative.


lol perhaps I can ask to let my new Navigators hitch a ride through one of them things. It is a great deck but gives me a headache cause if some intense chemical smell :-S


It's actually a machine that they place inside the vehicle and leave on for a few hours.

Now I feel like I'm schilling for the freaking things lol


It can help if you trim the edges too. I discovered this accidentally yesterday with a Crystal Tarot that I bought second-hand especially to trim, and which smelled of incense. Smell 99% gone now...:)



It stands to reason, because the edges of any paper good are the weakest parts; think of the porous ends of a sawn 2x4 vs. the smooth sides. The edges act like a flower stem and absorb.