Lumen: Reading


Here's my reading:

I'm looking for a position as full time or tenure-track professor and I asked the cards to tell me if I'll be hired and begin working as such in the 2012 academic year. And here's what my Grimaud told me, without any positions given, just straight 3-card reading.

As d'épée 10 de baton As de baton

Base card: Le Bateleur - this reading is about employment as professor/teacher
Next card: 5 d'épée - moving away from a crisis; clarity and focused mind.

My interpretation:

New beginnings, courage to fight to get hired, new intellectual opportunities (job opportunities) and contracts to sign (I'm engaging in a mentorship program at the university where I work as adjunct) (AdE) will lead to a change in cycles in my work (10dB) and bring a new beginning in this area, ambitions, determination, and will give me the tools to fight for this employment to happen (AdB).

Now, if I'm going to get hired it is not clear yet. This reading is telling me that I'll be preparing a lot of applications, and revamping my teaching style and practice (it really needs it), and perhaps sending manuscripts for publication (where will I find the time for this is not clear) that these actions will greatly improve my chances in this grim job market. Now, if only governor Brown would be so kind and lift the hiring freeze in the Cal State system...

Dreaming is still free!

Thanks for reading.


As d'épée 10 de baton As de baton

Interesting reading! It's nice sometimes when it's pips only.

My first impulse was to read this from the right to the left. A circle has been completed, from one to ten wands, and now it is time to move on, start something new. In a way you are leaving the age of wands and entering the age of swords in your life (or you need to if you want to get ahead with your career). The sword in the ace seems like a refined version of the wand, so your interpretation to work on your teaching methods and maybe do more "real" scientific work, writing etc makes total sense to me. Maybe even consider taking a leave from the everyday labourious work symbolised by the wands (the teaching?) to have time to attack with this sword, with a sharp wit?

The two hands holding the sword and the wand seem to come from both sides to give you their "instrument", lending a helping hand from both sides. The experience you gained in your work (the wand) will be as useful to you as your intellect (the sword) - they complement each other and will lead you beyond the completion of the 10 wands into something new.

Base card: Le Bateleur - this reading is about employment as professor/teacher
Next card: 5 d'épée - moving away from a crisis; clarity and focused mind.

So, is the base card just the card at the base of the stack after you dealed your three cards? And the next card is the one on top? Never considered these in a reading, but I like it and your interpretation of it is nice. Even if I see the 5 swords more as the crisis itself, as shaking things up, as a maybe painful, but necessary breaking with old, too comfortable habits. Which goes along nicely with the three cards!

I think you are on a good way and need to trust your intelectual abilities, strive for great things and not settle for less than amazing. It will be a fight, but you are ready for it.

Looking forward to hearing what you think! And good luck!


Hi Le Charior,

Thank you so much for your generous reading.

I was very surprised to see these cards in this given configuration, they speak clearly of beginnings, new cycles, and active and positive pursuits. But it really does not answer my question. If this combination: Pape - As de Denier - Le Monde were the cards shown I'd be popping a champagne. But, I think that AdE, 10dB, and AdB are pointing out to some interviews coming up - which is a very good sign - and not a hire yet. But more than anything else, I decided to tackle job hunting more aggressively and prepare a more competitive packet.

Yep, you are correct: revamping my intellectual knowledge and bringing it to the forefront, establishing a position as academic and researcher, and getting into deep work by changing old patterns of teaching and writing.

I always take the base card from the bottom; it often tells what the reading is about, and often it relates back to the question. Sometimes it points towards my thoughts and not the question posed. I also take the next card to see what is influencing the reading next; I do that especially if the last card in the series is facing right - so I take that card to find out what is the card facing, the influence arising, etc.

Again, I really appreciate your feedback, and it actually measures how well I'm reading these cards (the researcher in me).

Take care.