Wildwood Tarot - Time of Vessels

Lady Iron Side

I have for the past few days been sitting with the cards and book, trying to figure it out. I am learning the wheel of year. so I may have some mistakes below, I do appologize ahead. Following the Wheel of the Year. Please Note: That I will be only naming the cards, reason is that they are some decrepencies in the book which has gotten a bit confusing and I am not going to re write the book lol. So I leave you to put your own definition/meaning to the cards. I will lay them out in an order that I feel matches best.

[size=+2]Time of Vessels[/size]

[size=+2]The Blasted Oak [/size]

Lammas, Aug 1 or Lughnasadh

When these cards appear, it indicates that the 'fruits of your labor' are manifesting from the planting of the long-term goal. Preparation to obtain your harvest must now begin. It is not yet time to rest, but the work ahead ensures the realization of your plans. Lammas/Lughnasadh signals the beginning of the harvest season in northern European festivals. These cards convey the concept of receptivity and expectation. In the spiritual sense, this is the idea of not only being the vessel for manifestation but also behaving as thought the desired change has already come about. This is a time for appreciation for nature and Mother earth and her harvests. Plant the seeds from the fruits of the meal for continued prosperity.


[size=+1]The Heron [/size]

Departing from Lammas, Aug 1 - Aug 23
Leo, Aug 1 - Aug 22 and Virgo, Aug 23

Totem of the land, brings you the qualities of WATER enhanced by the power of FIRE
(Cross-quater festival day and the next element/season)

The Guardian of many esoteric secrets, it is said to stand at the Gate Way between life and death, to ast as mediator on the soul's journey to the Celtic otherworld and reincarnation.

[size=+1]Five of Vessels[/size]


5th house - LEO

[size=+1]Five of Bows[/size]


5th house - LEO

[size=+2]The Woodward[/size]

Lammas, Aug 1, or Lughnasadh

When these cards appear, it indicates that the 'fruits of your labor' are manifesting from the planting of the long-term goal. Preparation to obtain your harvest must now begin. It is not yet time to rest, but the work ahead ensures the realization of your plans. Lammas/Lughnasadh signals the beginning of the harvest season in northern European festivals. These cards convey the concept of receptivity and expectation. In the spiritual sense, this is the idea of not only being the vessel for manifestation but also behaving as thought the desired change has already come about. This is a time for appreciation for nature and Mother earth and her harvests. Plant the seeds from the fruits of the meal for continued prosperity.


[size=+1]The Salmon[/size]

Approaching the Autumn Equinox, August 24 - September 15

Totem of the land, brings you the qualities of WATER enhanced by the power of WATER(Cross-quater festival day and the next element/season)

Time of Stasis - Empowered stillness

[size=+1]Five of Arrows[/size]


6th House - VIRGO

[size=+1]Five of Stones[/size]


6th House - VIRGO

[size=+2]The Mirror[/size]

Autumn Equinox, September 21, Mabon

When these cards appear the work is done, and the manifestation and realization of your plans is at hand. It is time to celebrate. Mabon is the time of harvesting the full yield of nature. What was planted at the spring equinox is now ripe and mature. At the time of Mabon the God dies and journeys to the Underworld, where he waits in the realm of shadow for his rebirth at Yule. The Mabon/Autumn Equinox reveals the harvest we have reaped from what was sown in an earlier season. In a spiritual sense this is the measure of the soul's journey through life. It is here that we look at the state of our lives, our conditions, and our relationships. The harvest is the time to look at what has been sacrificed and what has been gained.



[size=+1]The Eel[/size]

Passing through the Autumn Equinox, September 16 - October 8
Virgo, September 16 - September 22 and Libra, September 23 - October 8


Totem of the land, brings you the qualities of WATER enhanced by the power of WATER(Cross-quater festival day and the next element/season)

[size=+1]Six of Stones[/size]


6th house - VIRGO

[size=+1]Six of Bows[/size]


7th house - LIBRA

[size=+2]The Wheel[/size]

Autumn Equinox, September 21, Mabon

When these cards appear the work is done, and the manifestation and realization of your plans is at hand. It is time to celebrate. Mabon is the time of harvesting the full yield of nature. What was planted at the spring equinox is now ripe and mature. At the time of Mabon the God dies and journeys to the Underworld, where he waits in the realm of shadow for his rebirth at Yule. The Mabon/Autumn Equinox reveals the harvest we have reaped from what was sown in an earlier season. In a spiritual sense this is the measure of the soul's journey through life. It is here that we look at the state of our lives, our conditions, and our relationships. The harvest is the time to look at what has been sacrificed and what has been gained.


[size=+1]The Otter[/size]

Totem of the land, brings you the qualities of WATER enhanced by the power of EARTH(Cross-quater festival day and the next element/season)

Approaching the season of Sambain, Oct 9 - October 31
Libra October 9 - October 22 and Scorpio, October 23 - October 31

[size=+1]Six of Vessels[/size]


7th house - LIBRA

[size=+1]Six of Arrows[/size]


8th house - Scorpio