Liber T: IX The Hermit


The description in the booklet says: Go wander in solitude and may Your Light be so bright that no human eye may see you.

Wisdom and creativity are the themes of the HERMIT -- it does not connote exclusivity or being alone literally -- it signifies being a light -- and yet in the search of wisdom, it also allows one to pursue the quest for creative means -- how to reinvent one’s way of thinking, redesign one’s way of doing things ... redirecting, reframing -- it means making a change -- not just a transition but a transformation ... however a transition is needed and this is where the light and the wisdom of creativity come in. ...

The mindset, the language, the action -- these would be the thrust of where to focus the pursuit of wisdom and creativity -- how people think, how people talk, how people act.

Crowley in Thoth also points out that the egg is form and the snake is force. (Matter and energy. Limitation and expansion. Etc.)

Of all the Hermit cards I have ever seen, this is one where I actually do not see a typical human being -- the hermit is more than just human -- it is not limited to the physical plane of the human flesh on the anatomical level -- in fact -- hermit here seems to be totally different and creative -- and yet, the lantern is the most recognizable shape == a light shaped like a diamond -- the Hermit’s color in Liber T is red -- red is energy, a powerful color that signifies dominance -- people wear read to project POWER. Power however is not physical in this card -- it is beyond it -- from the mental to the spiritual depending on where we want to take it ...

After all, the pursuit of wisdom should not be confined to the physical plane -- it should not have borders because wisdom is borderless, it comes from timeless experiences which may not yet been physically felt by the person but which may have already been slowly infused through a higher power which the person can no longer fathom -- it is so deep within that he or she cannot yet comprehend this power -

wisdom and creativity will surface and reveal itself at the right time, in the right moment, in the right circumspect ... and the person will have to “recognize” it within.