Liber t: The princess of cups


Description in booklet: Aphrodisiac femininity. benevolence, sweetness, sensuality, dedication

The Princess of Cups is an intriguing card. My take on this is that the Princess of Cups is a dreamer. In fact, I read in one interpretation that sometimes, she was misconstrued as indolent mainly because she had a very calm disposition, which was seen as not active. On the other hand, her strength rests precisely on her being calm, collected and yet creative ... she does get her dreams realized.

Quoting from Jan Shepherd in, "the push and shove of daily life, the pain, the sadness and the suffering can all make us afraid to dream, to wish, to hope. And often we lose sight of the fact that, if we do not dream our dreams, we shall have no dreams come true." Thus is the significance of the Cups Princess if we do get her in our readings.

If we put these thoughts together, the act of turning a dream into an actual creation is worship in itself. It is the use of one's abilities to turn something which just was born in the mind into something of a reality.

It occurred to me that the Earth may be her altar, where all living creatures are gathered to congregate and worship. In Christian times, the altar was a place where people worshipped. In the ancient times, altars were a place where both worship and sacrifices (of animals and humans) were performed.

The earth and everything in it is a concrete manifestation of dreams made by humanity -- creation starts with a dream, an aspiration, an ambition, an intent and desire for something to manifest, the power to crystallize and make our dreams come true. Some of us are quite creative and what we have created has helped change our lives and our world for the better. Unfortunately, some of our dreams and others' dreams seem to have done the opposite -- we and they may have sacrificed something so precious to get something that now has negative consequences. We have used our altar for both worship and sacrifice.

I also read that she is a fragile princess, uncomfortable with conflict since she values peace, serenity and harmony. So I guess when the card comes out, we can appreciate the perspective that our dreams can be real, that we have hope, and we can do something about our dreams to make them come true. We will just need to balance ourselves with the reality that we will also encounter some bumps and harsh realities along the way that can distort our disposition about life. There are sacrifices but it will help to also anticipate the consequences our dreams and actions can create. I hope this helps.