Decks you used to love...


This is a variation on some threads that have started.
What deck did you used to love, read with constantly, and one day you notice that you never pull it out anymore?
For me: Osho Zen, Robin Wood, and World Spirit. Decks I used to practically sleep with.


i once only read with my hoi polloi. well, it was my only deck for around 10 years. then i only read with my rider waite and thoth--for 15 years. then i read with my legend authurian for a couple years. i've read with my hanson roberts mostly the last 2 years. wonder what's next? ;)


The deck I used to love was "The Next One."
I used to love just HAVING tarots--lots and lots of decks, and then MORE decks. However, I can't even name a single tarot deck that I thought was so amazing that I "just had to have it." I do remember the generally frenzied feeling I had until I got my hands on the newest prey, then believing for a little while that I had "the ONE." But all that was infatuation, not love.
Anyway, I'm over it.
Now, I just want my "working" decks, and these are the same ones to which I remain loyal.


I actually forgot about a deck that was once very dear to me! I re-discovered it when I was cleaning out the Big Bookcase O' Tarot, and trying to decide what I wanted to part with.

The Mythic Tarot was once the deck that went everywhere with me! I even bought the workbook, and carefully, with great thought filled in every single page. As a kid, I had a great love affair with Greek mythology, and I was so excited about this deck when I first found it.

I am not sure that I have done a reading with it for the last 13 years....
Hmmmm...I think it's time to dust this one off again!


I did all of my initial learning on my old RWS. I puzzled over that deck, did reading for historical figures, tormented my friends, and now, it just resides in my mind as a point of reference and I never pull it out. The other two I mentioned followed the same pattern, including declarations to everyone who would listen that they were the best decks, no matter what!
Why does that happen? Must be like old friendships which fade rather than end. You still kind of like them, but for some reason never call them anymore.


I never really had one deck I used all the time, i have always been a multi-deck person.

But I used to like the Robin Wood, now it does not appeal to me at all. The people all seem to be made out of the same mold, boring ! I don't find it attractive at all now, and I don't read much with rws-clones now anyway.

I used the Halloween a lot, now it hardly ever comes out. Although there is more to this deck than some people think, it does have its limitations. I will use it in the weeks before halloween, but I don't think it will become a regular again.


I used to be crazy about the Glastonbury, but I haven't touched it in, well, I think a year...

I still list the World Spirit as my favourite, but come to think of it, I haven't touched that one in months either. But then I've hardly touched any cards in months...


I think for me it was the Spiral, I used this deck constantly - carried it round with me, shuffled it when I watched tv. It was never very far away then I started to get interested in other decks - other Rider Waite clones, then the Thoth and clones - and it was put to one side and I guess I just moved on. Its still a very special deck but I haven't used it now in months.


Er, the Enchanted for me...

sometimes I used to think it was my retro yearning for Victoriana. I thought that the Victoria Regina would replace it, because it's all about the Victorian times with gaslight and smoky London fogs kind of atmosphere...I used to read London Times Mirror (it may have been just the Mirror in the university library stacks?) just for away time between classes...

But oddly the Enchanted is good to read for others, a nice mixer with other types of decks when the size is similar...something about the modern collage with the retro images and fabric makes it nice for me to pick up now and again.


The Herbal tarot. I used to read with it a lot and now i haven't touched it in years. i made a bag for it and haven't removed it from there since.

Ancestral path was another fave of mine that was used a lot in readings and studies. Now - dusty on the shelf.