Tzaddi and Heh swap (split from "Is it really a Pelican")


Pythagoras' Theorem

The 'Fishhook' may not be The Star, but to learn what is we need catch a 'Fish'.
Naturally, any fisherman worth his salt would look to the Water to cast his line.


Perhaps it is a stretch of One's imagination to see the “Wisdom” of this, but consider how a point, by itself, is of Zero dimension: could be anywhere, everywhere, or nowhere at a11 least, not until it is joined by another – some relation in space which allows One to declare that THAT is, in fact, THERE. Yet, from the moment Two exist there is also a third – a 'Fish', if you will - known to some as the vesica piscis. We might argue this form may well serve as a poignant symbol for the moment of creation – a geometric parallel for Understanding the paradoxical question of how something could ever come from nothing. And, it may be noted, the breadth of this 'Fish', divided by its' width, yields an irrational number ...or at least its' close approximation: 256/153 ≈ √3 – a measure in whom The World is hidden.

There is a mnemonic value in the modification of Arabic numerals once we partition Thoth's Book by digital root:
2 = 11 = 20
2² = 13 = (22=0)
2³ = 17

The 'Fishhook' may not be The Star, but we thrust a Square as much as it be driven or drawn through space to craft a Cube. Such is the riddle of our symmetry poised before the Eye of Providence once we fathom the depth of why a Great Mer was built by “Khnum-protects-him”. The question often posed whenever the attributions of Hebrew letters are given: what of the fourth element, Earth? And we may find it where the fool is at play for, taken as a circle, the Earth may be joined to another, centered upon its' Northern pole – a Fish within the Fish. Do you see?

30º North = Giza
⊣ 3430 nautical miles
1 nautical mile = 1/60th degree of Earth meridian

Khnum, the Ram-headed divine potter upon whose Wheel every KA is formed, knows the secret of his namesake's Pyramid and why a Fish ate Osiris' 14th piece. Sopdet follows Sah as Kolchab follows Thuban. Yet, these are Stars whose gift of illumination comes after the Ensifer opens our Eye to the golden meaning of Nuit's twins.




There is a 'Chariot' drawn by the cardinal signs whose wheels turn to a measure of time tuned to the music of the spheres.

MER for the Egyptian hieroglyph: Pyramid
KA for our Twin formed by Khnum on his Divine Potter's Wheel
BA for the Breath of Life she gave & the Opening of the Mouth

Khnum-khufu, pharoah of the Great Mer, built a clock for the ages that turns upon the axis of Earth's hidden Tower of babbling fools.
His name means: "Khnum Protects Him"

But what was his Point?